Zazzle is having a great deal on Postage for those of you getting ready to send off your Holiday greeting cards!! :) Even better….if you go thru Ebates you will get not 10%, but 20% CASH BACK today only!!
I ♥ Custom Postage. Why? Because I send lots of cards out at the holidays. This year, I’m doing the old fashioned letter……so this is right up my alley. I need to buy stamps anyways, and I’d personally rather buy them with a custom pic than the blah regular old plain postage. Just my two cents ;) I bought 5 or 6 last year, and I have just two lonely little stamps left on my kitchen table :)1. Go to Ebates – search for Zazzle2. Click on the “Shop Now” Button next to the Zazzle that says you will get 20% cash back (double the cash back on Black Friday!)3. Search for Postage Stamps and purchase 3 books of 20 stamps (total $27.45) – use code BLITZDEAL128. Then – because you’re over $25 you will FREE shipping.4. Within 10 days you will have a credit in your account (20% back) + a $5 bonus if you area new member – with the 20% Cash Back for Black Friday & $5 sign-up bonus you will bring your stamp cost down to just .28 for EACH stamp!Don’t want to go thru Ebates? No problem! Just go HERE to Zazzle, search for postage stamps – create your own custom photo stamps – 1 book for $9.15 ea. – that’s .46 ea. stamp. You won’t get the 20% Ebates cash back or the $5 for signing up…but you’ll get a helluva deal on stamps – that are personalized :)Note: Please understand that the 20% back and the $5 sign up is not an immediate discount! As stated above, it takes 7 – 10 days!
Thanks Stephanie for the great deal idea!
I posted on your FB…I still ordered it b/c this will be perfect for my mom as one of her lil gifts :) Thanks Sheryl, you are DA BEST! But I know you know that already :)
I got jealous when I seen your stamps at your house :P
Totally did this Sheryl!
THANK YOU!! I was about to buy postage for wedding invitations and this saved me some money!! Every dollar helps. :)