Great deal for those of you with kiddos that love to decorate their room – YorkPhoto is offering a16×20 Custom Collage Poster for $2.00 – with only $3.49 shipping – just use code CUTEPOSTER.
Offer only goes through May 31… and is for new customers only.
You can use this chance to make a pic for the Grandparents……….or, even for your own kiddos. I made one for Dave’s Mom for Mother’s Day.. I’ll pick up a Frame at Michael’s this weekend for it :) It’s truly hard to get a good picture of my kiddos so this is the best I could do with them all getting along.
You are not restricted to one picture though – you can make it with a variety of layouts – anywhere from 1 to 8 photos – custom background and clip art.
The offer goes through 5/3 so you have some time to choose a few cute photos and put one together. I placed my order last night (5/2) and it already shipped – this morning, so you should have it in time for Mother’s Day.
Awww…what a beautiful picture Sheryl!!!!
LOL they can actually get along, but only for very brief periods of time.