As I’m finishing the Safeway ad, I found a great tip in my email from a reader – subject titled “Waste Not Want Not”. Great subject line made me read it immediately:
MJ says:
Here’s a tip for your readers. Remember that Yankee Candle deal from a few months back when they had the tart warmers on clearance where you got 7 for $25 shipped? Well of course I kept one for myself and use it frequently. I also got a freapy bunch (and I mean like 30-40) of the Glade winter collection scented jar candles from Target deal. I use them almost every night. But what to do with the little 1/4 – 1/2 inch bit of wax that doesn’t burn because the wick runs out? Well, first, I stick it in the freezer, it makes it come out very easily. Secondly, I wash the glass jar – it would be such a waste to throw it away! I’m still trying to figure out how to "recycle" this into something useful. Make colorful shot glasses? Decorate it for the kiddos to put little knick knacks? Maybe put that to your readers as well, ’cause I’m gonna have a whole collection!
But, on to the little bit of leftover scented wax. Well – use it as the "tart" in for the tart warmer. The leftover wax is almost exactly the same size and thickness of the kind you’d buy from Yankee candle, which are $2. And the "Scentsy" cubes are even more expensive. So, it’s already wax, it’s already nicely scented, and it’s already meant to melt. The only thing is that there’s the little round piece of metal at the bottom of the wax that originally held the wick. So as soon as it’s "melted" you should grab it out (well not with your hands while it’s hot LOL), so the next time you use your tart warmer, it won’t look messy.
This is the neatest idea yet – I have a love for candles, but I honestly can’t bring myself to pay for those expensive varieties, not on a budget anyways!
This is a great suggestion for those of you who accumulated the Glade Winter collection – what better way to use up all that leftover bit of wax!
Thanks MJ!
Another use for the bits of wax left over…combine dryer lint with the dry wax. Wrap in a piece of wax paper-small piece-and turn each end like wrapping taffy. You have wonderful fire starters if you have a fireplace that burns wood, or a wood-burning stove. They work really well and use up the dryer lint and the leftover wax.