I know many of you are looking for Photo Gifts for Christmas, and what better way to get them than on a special Vistaprint deal.
I have to do my gifts too, so I’m always looking at what they’re offering…… right now (for a limited time) you can get 11 products for just $0.11 each at Vistaprint.
Included in the 11 items are a mug, mouse pad, notebook with photo, tote bag, wall calendar and photo flip book. WOO HOO
You will need to pay shipping, and with my past experience the more items you get, the less shipping is. Last time I ordered 4 or 5 items I paid less than $10 for the slowest shipping (which still gets to my house rather fast – it’s never as long as they say it’ll be).
Are there hidden fees for uploading pics etc? I have never ordered from Vista and their web page isn’t really user friendly in trying to figure out pricing before you start.
Yikes, just spent the better part of an hour going through the cheap/free stuff. Order total was like $3.45, shipping for 5 items is $25. Need to sleep on this one, not sure how good a deal this really is.
I opted not to get the mug and bag, which had really high shipping charges. $17 includes a stamp, calendar, mousepad, labels, a flip book and sticky notes.
Got a mug, bag, calendar, postcards, stamp, return address labels, photo book, notebook, sticky notes, and a mouse pad for $25 (shipping was $23!!!). Since the calendar usually costs me $15 alone it worked out to be a great deal. Thanks Sheryl!