Many of you (like us) are trying to eat better, perhaps incorporate Gluten Free foods into your diet, or more organic choices.
Although couponing tends to lend it’s way to a great deal of processed food, you can definitely still save on items that are Organic & Gluten Free – it just takes a bit more effort at times, and certainly a small amount of research.
Of all the stores that I shop at, Fry’s tends to be my choice for Gluten Free items; for my meat I now rely on Sprouts. I’m too distant from Whole Foods to make that option workable, and Fry’s has some great prices & great selection for me, plus it’s right around the corner so it makes shopping quite easier.
Every week I encourage you to write companies in requests for product coupons – reader RJ recently took advantage of writing to a few companies to get some Organic coupons to help her family save:
Oh I wrote Amys, and just got 6 coupons! I also wrote Gardein, and they promised so coupons as well. Woot Woot!+
Some tips for those of you who are looking to focus more effort in that area:
::: I suggest Mambo Sprouts for Coupon Opportunities – often times you can find savings on Nature’s Path, Rudi’s, Clif, Santa Cruz, Lundberg, Imagine & more.
::: When you get your circulars each week, keep your eyes open for sales on those items that you frequently buy – and depending on the item, purchase a large amount of those items if they are at a price point that fits your budget.
::: Use email to your favor in contacting companies that are known for their great selection of Organic or Gluten-Free items – some great companies to write to include: Amy’s Organic, Newman’s Own, Rudi’s, Tamura & Antle (known to give you coupons for FREE produce), and more. 8th Continent Soy Milk is very generous – I have requested coupons previously and been fortunate to get (2) FREE products & several high value.
::: Use myconsolidated list of companies to find companies you can write to in efforts to obtain coupons – let them know you are trying to incorporate more organic & gluten-free in your family’s diet, in hopes that they will send you coupons to try their product.
::: Don’t forget that RecycleBank has some great opportunities for Kashi Coupons that you can purchase with points as well.
::: Register on the following sites below for emails with occasional coupons/offers:
Bakery on Main
Canyon Bakehouse
Eden Foods
Rudi’s Gluten Free
Udi’s Gluten Free
Hormel (which does have some products that are Gluten-Free)
Jules Gluten Free
Tanimura & Antle
Amy’s Organic
Nature’s Path
8th Continent
Hey you quoted me! Do I get royalties now? LOL :)- BTW, my name is Jamie :)
LOL I had no idea what your name was just “RJ” :)
Hubby’s name is Rick. Hence the R and J :)
thanks for this post and all the info. My daughter was recently diagnosed with celiac disease and has to be on a complete gluten free diet. Due to cross contamination concerns we decided to make it a gluten free household and immediately my grocery bill more than doubled. Your suggestions will help. Thanks,