I get emails every day for Totsy – and I usually don’t pay attention to them because they all go to my SPAM folder. But tonight I cleaned out spam, and Totsy subject line “Infant Carrier” – well, needless to say I am looking for one!
I thought about the ever so popular Mai Tai but a friend of mine yesterday with a new infant told me it was $45 – uh, no thanks! Not paying $45! So I looked at the ones on Totsy, got sidetracked and found Nursing Bras for Mom’s for $6.50 – HOLY BATMAN! That’s a great deal! Considering I paid $13 for ONE at Target, I think I’ll post this one for my mommies!
Totsy is having a sale tonight on “A Mother’s Love” Nursing Bras for Women.…. many of you regular readers won’t see me post Totsy too much unless I feel like it’s a very worthwhile deal. Even better, the straps are wide, or appear to be, so not thin like the straps on the bras I got at Target. Gosh knows new moms need THICK straps to hold those babies up!
You can pick up the sports bra variety, or the nursing cami’s for $6.50 – $7.50 – some of the bras are underwire (which I don’t like) but some are not – just have to check. The sports bra & the cami are a total STEAL. Use code BACK2SCHOOL for 10% off – and those of you who are first time to order will get FREE shipping.
Those of you ordering a second or third (or more) time – make it worthwhile by ordering a few, that way the shipping spreads out to make it worthwhile.
Thanks for this post. I am due in 2 mths & needed to start looking, what a great deal! Thanks. I saved 50% on my order. I won’t give me free shipping & the 10% off but I’m not complaining, got a great deal. Thanks again.
Ahh darn the cami’s are all gone. Or at least I can’t find any.
darn I needed nursing camis desperatly !!!! Sheryl, if you find another deal on camis for nursing please post! thx much luv from the nursing mommys! :)
I needed Camis really bad also
I placed an order, but I didn’t realize it won’t even ship until the 8th of December…is that just how this store works? That is a long time!