Just yesterday I was lucky enough to get a big bag of grapefruit from a Freaper who lives not too far from me. And grapefruit is something I LOVE. Super good stuff right there.
I had a conversation with this reader just a few days ago, and I remember her telling me she had an over-abundance of Grapefruit and it’s not really her favorite fruit. Hmmm…….. Well, we took care of eating 3 of them last night, and will probably eat the rest sometime today and tomorrow!
Being me though, I got curious… and thought to myself “Hmm, wonder if we can use grapefruit for anything else besides eating them?” – did my research by visiting a ton of different online forums and sites for a round up of alternative uses.
Here are a few alternative uses to that big, juicy fruit.
Hair Stripper
Rinse your hair with grapefruit juice to take the build up and chemicals out! Works well for those of you that have kiddos who live in the chlorine-filled pools in the summertime. I know my mom used to wet down my hair and coat it with conditioner before I got in the pool; but you can also rinse your hair with the juice of a grapefruit to take the excess build up out.
Citrus Bath Treatment
Squeeze grapefruit juice into the bath water – about 1-2 Cups per tub – it serves as a natural exfoliant and leaves your skin smooth, fresh and, well, citrusy scented!
Soften your Feet
This is perfect for my David … especially being that he always has boots on! Many of us love to live our summers in sandals and flipper floppers. As a result, our feet are cracked and dry – remedy for that is quite simple. Soak your feet in warm water with grapefruit slices OR, squeezed grapefruit juice and soften your skin. The longer you soak, the easier your skin will be to slough off. Grapefruit works as a natural exfoliant, which will turn your feet into works of art.
As a NEW Facial Cleanser
Cut one grapefruit in half and put the entire thing in the blender – SKIN and ALL. Add a smidge of milk and table sugar, and blend well. Pour into a bowl and put in the microwave – warm it just for 15-20 seconds and then stir it with a spoon until it’s the consistency you feel will work. Spread it on your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Rub the sugar and grapefruit mixture in until the sugar dissolves and is smooth and then rinse off. The grapefruit and sugar work as a natural exfoliant.
Aren’t those some great ideas? I bet you didn’t know these existed did you? Me neither! Of course, we can always just pour a big of sugar on the grapefruit and eat it with a spoon, but that’s no fun. I love being a scientist and making new things!
Umm LOVE it! I will probably use all of those ideas- thanks! Now it’s off to my sisters house to grab a few bags full…
I just love all your ideas Sheryl. and have use a few, and more to come . any idea what to do with bananas that r to ripe ,besides banana bread or smoothies ?
Anyone who has too much fruit, you can list it on http://neighborhoodfruit.com/find_fruit.
Grapefruit Marmalade!!!! It is so easy and SO delicious! If you want the recipe just message me!!!
P.S – If you are like me and LOVE chile heat then you can do what i do when I make it… I always add habaneros to mine but just a personal preference :)
Sounds super yummy! I wish I had a ton of grapefruit :)
I’d love your grapefruit marmalade recipe – we’ve got a tree out back and I don’t know what we’re going to do with all the fruit!!
Awesome- like jalapeno jelly? I love me some HEAT!
wonderful now i want me some grapefruit ~ sadly for once in a very long time i know no one with a tree at this time… Anyone have any extras??? : D