COO-PON…….or Q-PON??
That is the question of the day.
So how do you say it? Do you say it as "Coo-pon"? Or, do you say it with a "Q" sound as in "Q-pon?" Even my daughter gives me grief on this. She’s 4! And she says I say it wrong!! "MAMA…it’s not COO-PON, it’s Q-Pon!"
So tell me, how do you say it?
haha too funny! I say it Q-pons lol
Q-pons here!
I say “coo” I think.
Gotta love kids :) I say both actually…depending on my mood. If I’m feeling cool then it’s COOOOOO…lol. Wanting to go for the shortcut I say QQQQQQ.
Coopon!! haha I think Qpon sounds so funny! LOL
I think it depends on the moment– and who I’m talking to. I’m from the south but I live elsewhere so I hide my southern accent as best I can to avoid long explanations to everyone I meet. So when I talk to family and old friends it comes out coo-pawn lol I can’t hide my accent around them!
When I was in Ohio growing up it was Q now I say Coo
As a kid, I said Q-pon. As an adult, I was horribly embarrassed in a store when the cashier corrected me an everyone in line laughed. Since then I say it the way it is in the dictionary: coo-pon.
I say coo,, but I think either way is grammatically correct..
I say coooopon… I think I used to say Q-pon.. but doesnt coopon just sound more ritzy??!!
I say coo-pon. :)
It’s Q-pon, as far as I’m concerned! : )
I say it both ways.
I say it both ways — “I have a Q-pon,” but “I am doing some coo-poning.” Who knows?
for me? COOPAHN! LOL!
There are whole studies on the subject. :-)
I always say Q-pon
I say cooopon
I’m pretty sure I say both, but mostly coopon
Lol! I say both and I never realized I say both since right now. haha.
We all say Qpon here in NC, I’ve never met a person who pronounces it coo-pon…I remember first hearing Denise Richards pronouncing it Coo-pon and I thought “how odd…” lol!
the coups!
q-pon…..must be my southern upbringing