If you have girls, or boys, you will know that to buy underwear for them is SEVERELY expensive. I just bought Rylan his first pack of choney’s – we got him Yo Gabba, even though I secretly wonder why that show is so popular.
Anyways, it set me back $5-$6 for just THREE pair. Gosh…someone is making a killing. It was so hard to buy them, but it had to be done. He can’t run free all day at home!
The Children’s Place has 25% off today – and free ship – grab the 3 pk of Girl’s Xmas Undies for $2.24 after code H7F2011 and FREE ship. Most sizes are still available. I just picked up 2 pks for Gwen – at $0.75/pair I figure I can’t go wrong.
Thanks Monica on SD!
How are you getting them for $2.24? All of the 3-packs show a price of $4.86, and after coupon it comes to $3.64.
Nevermind, they were under the Clearance, instead of with the rest of he underwear. :) thanks!
Just bought 2 packs for each daughter…so their stockings will be extra full now! THANK YOU!
I got 2 for Wendy too… sure beats paying $5.99 or more at target for them. She needed some so bad too.
Why can’t you let Rylan run free??? I let mine!!!! LOL. For some reason, it works great for potty training for my kids :)
Thank you! I got my daughter a pair of boots and my son a robe and slippers while I was at it!
There’s boys for the same price :)
They have the 7-day pack for 7.99 too, so it comes to roughly $0.85 after code per panty. Yay for this deal!