I’m SO proud!! I got several emails today from readers who told me there was an article in the Arizona Republic, about “The” Cents’Able Shoppin. Woo hoo! I just got my hands on a copy (thanks to several readers) – the column was titled:
Food Prices are Up in the Valley. Any Tips to Save on Groceries?
Justin is local Community College Student that follows us both on the blog and Facebook. He’s definitely not a shy person…. but he’s probably someone you haven’t seen post on our Fan page all too much. Nonetheless, he knows how to find a deal – don’t you worry about that! One day, he’s going to have his own Extreme Couponing show…he just doesn’t know it yet
I’m so excited about this. Know why? I spend the day over a half dozen stores. And I was overwhelmed by looking at each and every shopper. Take for example Wal Mart – I stopped in for Reach, Nivea and Heinz (all were wiped clean); I watched people toss stuff randomly in their cart. I watched a guy buy toothpaste. The same guy? DIAL body wash. (ug! I mean, I would have given him a Nivea coupon but it was WIPED clean!!) I watched a mom toss a $4.99 bottle of mouthwash in her cart. I even saw a guy walk out with 2 HUGE packs of Bounty and Charmin and I just ..well, it was hard for me.
I just don’t think everyone realizes that saving dollars on those products IS possible. Pre-planning and stockpiling CAN lead to savings. As I went from store to store I realized how few people coupon, but how many NEED to start learning. I just hope that we can spread the word, little by little, to help those that wouldn’t otherwise know we’re here… in efforts to help them gain control of their finances just a teeny tiny bit.
Because…to me, every little bit helps.
Thanks Justin – this really made my day! And thanks to Katie, Macey and Beverly for letting me know about the article!
I think you are amazing…..living on a Budget like you is a dream for me….but I seem to be doing well with 50 bucks a week for now. I did splurge this weekend since we have Family in town but once they are gone….its back to normal. Heck…I hate paying full price on anything….and am glad I got back into the game and am ready to start saving more and more. Thanks to you I made 16 dollars for the Splenda….which I now have to use toward Toilet Paper! You rock Momma! And I do tell everyone about you! Thanks Sheryl
Awesome :) Congrats and thanks for what you do!
That’s a good lookin kid that even knows how to coupon. He’s going to be a catch for somebody :)
woot woot~~~~~~~ u rock lady!
People are couponing, that’s why the shelves were wiped clean. If everyone starts doing it there won’t be enough products to go around. And I’m not an extreme couponer. It’s frustrating when it’s all off the shelves.
((((Sheryl)))) I Am Sooooo Super Happy For You!! You deserve it all!!!! Thank you for all that you do- I am so grateful to have found your blog!!! And I also do tell everybody I know about you and your blog- you Rock, lady!!!
Rock on sister! That’s fantastic, and I couldn’t agree more! Anything to help people become financially in control! :)
Congratulations! Yours is the first blog that I read each day and, like the young man in the article, I appreciate all of your tips and Arizona deals! Keep up the good work!
I love helping people save and although sometimes it does get frustrating to see the shelf clean, it also makes me happy because I know OTHERS are saving money :)
That is what I really want…and that is what we should all want – to help OTHERS save just like we do.
Hey, I just saw your tweet, congrats! Thanks for your time & effort to share with everyone!
Rebecca you have to remember there are so many families going with out because they dont know how to shop with coupons. How would you feel if nobody would have shared this amazing site with you bc of selfish reasons. I would rather inform others how they can provide basic necessities and yummy food for hardly nothing then fight over a toothbrush that I don’t really need. There is enough to go around sometimes you just have to be patient. I feel bad for people working 2 plus jobs so they can put food on the table when all they really need is Sheryl to lead them in the right directions. Congratulations Sheryl the service you do for others is so amazing. Thank you
Yesterday at Petsmart I was ago to share a Pedigree coupon w/ a young man who had found a dog on the freeway. The dog was sick and the vet bill took all the new pet owners money. When I saw him he was upset because all he could afford was 2 cans of Pedigree dog food for his dog. I gave him my coupon and he was able to buy a bag of food for his new pet for 46 cents. He just kept thanking me, he was truly thankful. It made my day to be able to help him, and it was all due to couponing. Thank you for all you do in helping me care for my family and others.
That’s great Lonetta…I didn’t have eggs on me, but I put several coupons out at my Walmart in Payson. Hope someone can put them to good use. I left over $30 worth of coupons. Happy Shopping!
Happy Easter Everyone!
Lonetta, what a wonderful story. You helped him by giving him faith in people, and you helped the dog by helping to put food in his/her belly. All because YOU coupon, AND YOU took the time to care. :)
That is AWESOME! Now I just wish I lived in AZ
Sheryl we so appreciate all that you do to help make our lives easier and save a few $$$$$.
Happy Easter to you and yours too!! Congrats on the shout-out in the Republic!! Thank you so much for all your time and hard work you put in your site to help us all save money!! <3
We appreciate you for all you do. You deserve this great recognition =). I do tell everyone who ask me how do i do this I tell them go to thecentsableshoppin.com. WE had a meeting the other day at work LOL as weird as this is a good part of it was people asking me how do i do the couponing LOL , all because they asked why did i want the eggs? i had told them to put coupons in for others at the store since we are doing an easter egg hunt. One of the girls whom i told about your website tells me lol stop giving her website out everyones gonna catch on LOL i am like wth!!! i want everyone to save money so if they ask i will tell them! you are awesome and we love you for all you do thanks again sheryl! =)
Congratulations Lady!!!
To increase my coupon experience I have taken to going to the local recycle bins and getting the inserts out of the bins…I’ve only done it twice in two weeks but it is amazing to me how much money people are throwing away. Last week I brought home probably 40 total inserts
and out of all of that 1 (one) coupon for Folgers coffee was gone!
And now with the price of food going up…really! Oh well, the more thrown away the more for me!!!
wow, food for thought right there!!! I really feel for people also struggling who could so easily afford things with coupons, BUT you have to have internet access to access the blogs/facebook you know? Remarkably- of all the people I tell about the blog, couponing and how much $$ I am saving I would say 99.9% of the people are just not interested in doing the hard work!
Then when I go get a freebie- like the Disney store ‘green’ bag which was adorable- those same people are like, “why didn’t you tell me??” I TELL THEM, I GIVE THEM FREE TOOTHPASTE, I DO AS MUCH AS I THINK I CAN- but it is not fun to tell people only to see that bored look on their faces, or when they quickly change the subject. I love showing the people who are interested!
And I personally think Sheryl’s blog is the most FUN to read, she has the BEST graphics, my favorite writing style!!!, incredible enthusiasm, and is ALL OVER getting the deals early!
Pity on those not interested!!! :)
Thank you so much for loving the graphics!
Gosh, we all just LOVE you! <3 Happy Easter!
We all love you Sheryl, you do such a great job. Not only do you provide valuable (literally valuable ) information, but you keep it fun and entertaining as well. Many a time I have walked into a grocery store and thought to myself.. OK, NOW, keep our ojitos open !! And I find myself chuckling to myself. (I know I’m weird).