Those of you looking for a way to get the Arizona Republic for cheaper, head over HERE to grab a subscription for just $0.99 – Sunday delivery.
You can get Sunday + Wednesday for just $4.19 / mo for the first 6 months (that’s .99/week). This may bode well for those of you .. like me, who despise getting up early to track down papers & fight with fellow couponers at the Dollar Store :)
Thanks Rachel S.!
That’s an awesome deal! I recently tried to order the Sunday paper from them and they sent me an e-mail informing me they don’t deliver to Kingman :(
Booo! Not fair. Where do you get it then?
I get the local paper The Kingman Daily Miner but it’s missing some of the coupons. So I ordered the Vegas paper too.
The only downside is that it only applies to the first paper.
I thought I heard awhile back that you didn’t have to pay full price for the 2nd or 3rd paper. Is there a way to get more than one paper without paying a bunch?
do they deliver to Tucson?