Over the last few months, I have shared many ways you can help support the Soldiers who serve, and their families who support them.
From Donating your Expired Coupons, to Writing Letters (which is great for Classrooms!), linking your Fry’s VIP card to Packages from Home, to using your Stockpile to send Care Packages to those who serve overseas, there are many ways you can show your support.
You can also help to support the Wounded Soldiers who are seeking treatment both stateside AND those being treated overseas in our medical hospitals.
Operation Healing Angel is a program that helps to serve wounded heroes and their medical staff in the war zone, and also those treated stateside.
Not only do they collect care packages for those wounded, and their medical caretakers, they also encourage the public to offer comfort through cards and letters.
Although Walter Reed may not accept cards & letters, many hospitals and wounded being cared for at home are open to receiving them – and it would be a great activity for your children, or even for your classroom (if you are a teacher)… or even for yourself!
In addition to cards and letters, they are also open to accepting additional items (not required but appreciated)… including:
- Flameless Candles for staff and Wounded Heroes
- Humorous & Spiritual Books to boost morale while they are healing
- Body Lotion and/or Hand Cream for the nurses and tech personnel
- Chapstick and/or Lip Gloss for Medical Staff and Patients (which happens due to medication and also cold winter weather)
- And angel pins for Wounded Heroes & their Staff
- Pens or Lanyards
- Drawings, or Banners from Students, or Children
- Dry Erase Boards and Pens for Communication
- iTunes Gift Cards
- Soft Slippers or Socks
Writing a letter or sending a card is more than just signing and sending it off – it’s about giving thanks to those who are suffering from both the Physical and Emotional Toll the War has led them through.
Many of them suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, some are battling Physical Wounds as well.
You can send cards, letters and packages to:
Homefront Hugs, USA
Operation Healing Angel (OHA)
1850 Brookfield Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Operation Healing Angel is a 100% Volunteer Organization and although they are not tax deductible, they do work tirelessly to send packages to the troops from what is sent to them – 100% of your monetary donations go to shipping those boxes to troops (and you can donate here).
Picture Credit: Homefront Hugs
Amazon is now offering Amazon Smile in which 0.5% of eligible purchases will go to your charity of choice.