We’re inching up on the end of the school year, & if you are in Phoenix, then the weather is definitely PAST Spring temps.
Kids are running in and out all day with and without shoes, and you can hear them screaming as they play with the waterslide we have blown up in the back from last year.
We also thought it would be a great time to get a head start on SUMMER diffuser recipes.. diffusing is such an important part of your wellness.
Why Diffuse?
Diffusing essential oils is the most cost effective way to reap health benefits – every time you breathe in the oils you take advantage of their boosting properties.
There are many reasons one can diffuse, but the greatest benefit is that it helps more than one person at the same time. While some diffusers will run for 4 hours, others can go up to 8 hours at intermittent – making them perfect for your bedroom.

Reference: The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple, by David Stewart, Ph.D., D.N.M.
When you inhale Essential Oils through your nose, tiny nerves send an immediate signal to the brain; at that point in time, the brain immediately goes to work on the systems that moderate your mind and body. Inhalation is the most direct method of nurturing components in essential oils: the chemical messengers in the nasal cavity have direct access to your brain.
Your brain then goes to work, managing your body systems – a functional respiratory system, a healthy endocrine system, ,a thyroid that is in balance & more.
Essential oils have the ability to pass the blood/brain barrier and penetrate membranes allows them to reach the emotional center of the brain in seconds.
Seconds. Talk about a quick way to change your mood, current attitude, and even outlook on life – without a prescription required.
How do Essential Oils affect the Mind?
Our sense of smell is 10,000 more sensitive than our other senses. Scent travels faster to the brain with smell than it Does with sight, or even sound.
Your ability to smell comes from sensory cells, called Olfactory Sensory Neurons, found in a small patch of tissue very high in your nose. Those cells connect to your brain.
Each of those sensory neurons has one odor receptor – and molecules released by substances around us stimulate these receptors. Once your neurons detect your molecules, they send messages to your limbic lobe of your brain.
The limbic lobe is a group of brain structures that is below the cortex of the brain – it includes the amygdala and the hippocampus. Your limbic lobe (system of brain structures) is directly connected to the parts of your brain that control many aspects of your body – hormone levels, stress, memory, breathing, heart rate, and more.
As a result, essential oils can have a relatively profound effect – because that stimulation of hormones and chemicals can drastically affect physiology and behavior.
Did you know….
The only way to stimulate the emotional brain is through your sense of smell? Which is one of the reasons why Essential Oils can work so incredibly well. Feelings of depression, fear, anger, happiness, joy and even anxiety all originate from the limbic lobe of the brain.
Summer Diffuser Recipes
Hopefully now you can see a connect between diffusing and feelings & emotions. As much as I love to smell good smells, we’re not diffusing just because it’s fun to do. Although I’ll be honest… it is, fun to come up with a blend that inspires, encourages, motivates, energizes, and makes you feel incredible.
Diffusing has a larger purpose – and that purpose is to reach your emotional brain.
Each blend have different amounts of drops – the opportunities with essential oils are endless. You can always experiment and make your own until you find a blend you really like that works great for you.
Those of you who have a Young Living Diffuser, fill the diffuser with water to the line and add the desired drops of oil.
Have you had success with supporting your emotions with essential oils? What essential oil or blend has helped you the most?
Find out more about essential oils with 25 DIYs with Essential Oils, and a large list of Essential Oil DIY materials.
If you are ready for an unbelievable journey to better health through essential oils, you can pick up more information on the Young Living Premium Starter Kit by heading here.