Just a reminder folks –
MMMnnn – those of you who love Starbucks will enjoy the news! $2 Mocha Coconut Grande Frapp after 2 p.m. from May 27-May 30th.
I got this in the Safeway ad on Monday – looks like it’s available only at the Starbucks inside Safeway stores; must use Safeway Club Card.
I actually had one Friday night – first time EVER buying Starbucks. Let me tell you I waited 15 minutes for that bad boy, and my kids tore that Frapp up like it was going out of style…………..
Lynnette Y says
I up in Page, AZ for the weekend and really hope their Safeway Starbuck’s is participating!! Yum!
Anonymous says
it’s actually any frappachinno not just the mocha coconut