HOT new coupon from Staples – in my email – you may want to check your email too. I got an email that had 50% off 16 Double Roll Charmin $9.99.
50% off with coupon makes it just $4.99, then use the $0.25/1 Charmin from the 07/31 P&G to grab it for $4.74.
The coupon is email specific to me so I can’t share – but I encourage you to peek inside your email to see if you have it too
Ebony magazine [free!] has a $1 off qpon- woo hoo!!! I hope I got it from Staples, thanks!
Nope, didn’t get it yet.
Just got mine and used a $1 MQ. My year supply is pretty full, so will give to the homeless shelter. The director said the bulk of his budget goes for toilet paper and detergent.
got 20% off any item. not bad!
I got the 20% of an item instead of the TP. Kinda sad about that!