Folks – this is a TRUE deal for you paper towel a-holics………sounds like Bounty 6 pk Paper Towels are at Staples thru 06/11 for $4.99 (40 sheets/roll, Absorbent, NOT BASIC!)
Now I have not been to verify myself because I’m at Target right now (haha, wish I had a clone to visit for me), but if you use the $3/3 Staples coupon I posted earlier today, it makes for 6 Roll Paper Towel (Bounty) for $1.99.
Folks………that’s a deal. I would suggest calling your local store before heading there; obviously you don’t want them to buy all the towels so just keep it on the hush
Lastly – like I said folks, I have not been to the store. I do not know if this is an ” Instant Savings ” – the coupon CANNOT be used if it’s an instant savings. The $4.99 is the price for you if you have a Staples card, but i’m not sure if it’s considered “instant savings”. As always, your mileage may vary.
Im kinda new to this coupon game… but I have a manufaturers coupon for a dollar as well. Would I be able to use the staples coupon then my 1.00 off to get them for .99??
It cant be used with any other coupon or offer.
I think it means $3 after other coupons. YMMV anyways.
You can definitely give it a shot – usually stores allow 1 mfr + 1 store coupon per item. Some Staples stores will not permit MFR coupons, it’s truly dependent on the management at each store. Good luck & let us know ;)
I called my store, McKellips/Greenfield, they are $6.99….hmmmm
Just called 43rd and Camelback at it’s $4.99! YAY! Thanks!
Wouldn’t you have to buy two at regular price to get the one at $1.99… being as the coupon says it is off of 3 items??? Or am I misunderstanding something?? LOL
OIY!! I just printed the coupon… NVRMND!!! LOL SORRY!! :( I’m a goob! :) :) :)
I just went and got some at the store on Happy Valley and 27th ave or so in the Happy Valley Town Center. They also have Arrowhead bottled water that would be $.99 after the $3 coupon. They had tons left. The cashier said that there must have been a facebook blast because I was the 12th person there doing the same thing.
Kingman Staples is a YES!
Has anyone tried it with a manuf. q also?