WOW!! Holy COW!
Those of you in Phoenix without Office Depotcan jump on the paper bandwagon! Have I got a deal for you! This is such an exciting exciting find!
Staples ALSO has a great deal on paper….through TOMORROW only. Check this out:
:: Use the 40% off Office Depot coupon HERE (14-15 January) – they DO take competitors
:: Pay $28.19 out of pocket
:: Submit for the $27 easy rebate (HERE) for the box of paper (Limit 2 per household)
:: Final Cost? $1.19 after Easy Rebate, but FREE after your 10% Staples Rewards!
Don’t forget to use your Staples Rewards for 10% back on your Staples paper purchase (based on after-coupon redemption), making your total ZERO after coupon, rebate, and Rewards!
Do note that this is through tomorrow only, so if you’re going to jump on it I suggest you do it with a quickness :)
Note: For all you concerned about using an Office Depot coupon at Staples, we did call to verify, and yes, they do take Office Depot in particular. :)
Thanks reader Erica! You ROCK lady!
Thank you for posting! Great deal.
Eek! That's awesome :D
Thank you for posting this!!!!
Awesome! I contacted staples cs through e-chat & the lady just kept giving me the run around about it just being up to the manager whether or not they would take the coupon :(
That's why I double checked with the store managers in my area! It's better than running to the store and finding out it won't work.
I called my Staples and was told that they took Office Depot coupons. I got to the store, though, and was told that they take competitors' dollars off coupons but not percentage off. This was the Staples at 40th St & Broadway in Phoenix, so don't go there.
My Staples accepted the coupon but would only take the % off the $46. So the paper will be $8 something. Not too bad I guess!
Lady M: it is up to the Manager as Staples has no written policy on competitor coupons (just competitor ads). My manager did have to manually calculate the % amount (he took off $18.85) but still wanted to accept the coupon. I went to the store on McClintock and Southern with no issues, and I even got a high five!
I have always had good experience at that Staples, and never had issues getting rebates with ad-match/competitor. Staples Rewards and Easy Rebates are really great and always come fast. And if you're an experienced/fearless dumpster diver, they often throw out lots of brand new paper for some reason!
Could I buy ink to get the $10.00 visa card then use the $10 card toward the purchase of the paper? OR do I have to spend a certain amount to get the rebate?
Thanks for the great deal post!
Just an FYI…this rebate does come in the form of a Visa pre paid card.
I did this deal this morning with no problems at all! Thanks so much for giving us the heads up! I did call our local Staples to confirm that they took the coupon first. Thanks!!
I called my local Staples and was told that they would take the coupon. But when I got the paper I was told by the manager that I could not combine the coupon with the rebate. He was not helpful and acted as though the money was coming out of his pocket!! I left the store and went to office depot where I use the coupon on their paper that was on sale with no problems. I will no longer take my business to staples in lincolnton nc!! I live for the best deals because I work hard for my money and I am sick of stores acting as though the deals come directly out of their pocket. Just wanted to vent!! Thank you for posting GREAT deals!!
Thanks! Luckily mine took the coupon, so hopefully the rebate comes too….The guy @ the check out said I was the best shopper in the world, lol.
Staples at Arrowhead will not allow you to use the office depot coupon. The manager told me that it had been 3 years since they did this. He did offer to accept it today but he would not allow me to combine the coupon and the rebate. So i left empty handed :(
I was able to use mine at my store. They were very nice about it. I did the rebate and I chose to get the rebate check as opposed to the prepaid card. It says ore paid card but if allows you to chose other options as well. So I did the check. i hate prepaid cards!
Called and spoke to the manager who told me they would take it. Got there and they said nope just staples own coupons. They lie to you to get you to come in. Staples stink at this. Wish there is a Office Depot in NH in the near future.
Did this deal at the Manteca, CA Staples, although got quite the headache and they are refusing to allow me to buy a second box of paper with another coupon.
Tracy, CA Staples is flat out refusing to honor the coupon with the purchase of the box of Staples paper.
Reason being given is that the paper is subject to an easy rebate and the office depot coupon says cannot be combined with any other offer.
However, that seems bogus to me since the easy rebate is only available for 2 purchases and the Staples that you are standing at really has no way to know whether or not you have already applied for the two rebates, which would make the issue of more than one offer on the product a mute point.
Will definitely be contacting Staples corporate on Monday for clarification, cause this seems bogus to me.
Staples in Layton Utah will let you use the 40% off but will not give you a rebate. The manager has the clerk pull the rebate info that prints with your receipt. Not very nice
Staples off of 494 in Bloomington/Edina Minnesota took it no problem!!! THANKS!
If they pull your rebate form you can still get the rebate!
The rebate offer number is 10-41833 and the second number they want is the rebate number which is the string of numbers under the bar code on your regular receipt.
Just go to staples easy rewards and enter the info and you will still get your rebate.
I did this deal this morning with no problems at all! Thanks so much for giving us the heads up! east Mesa AZ location, no problem. one better I had a $5.00 credit for a 6 dozen free pen offer they had canceled on me. They gave me the credit for customer satisfaction. lol. so I paid $25.29 and have a rebate of $27 on the way.+my rewards card.
Thank you so, so much for posting this – I did this deal today and I am so grateful to have paper at such a low cost!
When you do the rebate form on line you can choose to have a check sent to you rather than the Visa card, for those who prefer it. I opted for a check.
I did this deal at McKellips & Greenfield, no problem at all! Submitted my rebate online, no problem…I did the Visa GC….sweet!
Arrowhead Manager says Staples NEVER accepts competitor percent off coupons. He says they will price match, but will not accept percent off. He gave me a huge lecture. I asked to see their policy. He printed it from the internet, but the 2nd page was missing. I asked if he was sure. Could he contact the district manager? He was very HOT, HOT, Hot about this topic. Don't go to Arrowhead.
The Staples in Etown KY said they didn't accept competitor coupons, so I gladly went to Office Depot just a few steps away and got a great deal! :)
This worked for me at two of the four stores I went to. I was looking to pick up several for my wife. She is a teacher and her school has already ran through its paper budget for the year. She spends so much money on her class out of pocket that I had to jump on this. I ended up with three cases for her.
Wow! My Staples that have taken these OD q’s before would not take it for this deal! WOW, so you do accept competitors q’s but now your saying you dont this time. For all of you using Staples and had similar issues. I HIGHLY suggest you call corpoarte and demand them to get on the ball and get a coupon policy established! Like we did and got! for WGs. The power is w/in the masses!.
What frustrates me the most is these 2 stores have clearly accepted them before and now decided to refuse it for this deal. This is why CLEARLY corporate needs to have a set policy in place to avoid this 100% of the time! Instead of managers running rouge and making their mind up as they want or feel that day.
Oh the other said they didnt take online ones. I told both stores weird, cuz you accepted these many times before for other orders I bought. The one manager was real arogant saying that it was ripping off Staples and asked what site I used. I told him nothing! I said, how can this be since you accept these competitors qs (normally and the last many times) and Staples has theese rebates?. If stores felt like they were being ripped off, they would NOT accept competitors and NOT do these rebates. That dude just didnt’ like the fact we were getting a good deal. I told him, well if your going to refuse this, fine, I will take this sale over to OD and get it, which I did w/ no problems! there!!! The cashier at OD was like, WOW! you just scored that whole case for around $7 with tax! Thats awesome!!!.
I got mine, Signal Butte & Baseline, female manager high fived me on the way out LOL :) I felt awesome! :) Def a YMMV – some stores want to be crappy about it — some stores are awesome. Depends on the manager sadly :)
I called yesterday and was told that "yes, they price match" – after my local store said that they do NOT accept percentage off coupons". when I drove up to the farther away store that said they did take coupons, they said that they couldn't let me get it because it also had a rebate. After talking about it and how office depot had the same offer (coupon and rebate) the manager said that she would let me do it just this one time but that the rebate would probably not print since I had used a coupon. I told her that I had used coupons many times before – percent and $ off and it still printed a rebate and much to her surprise it did this time as well. She kept saying that people are just trying to rip off Staples and how they will lose money and then the store will go broke and what will we do then! She was nice to let me do it, but I wish that they would write a set policy so that it isn't so much of an issue every time you try and shop with coupons :)
Carl and others, please call corporate and let them know they need a stated policy to avoid this store to store and manager to manager diff./frustration. This would then clearly set a set policy for all stores to adhere to. Most other stores have set policies so why cant they?.
I was only able to buy one case, I had coupon in hand for the 2nd one, but our manager gave me such a hassle for the first box and then said he could only give me the one with deal which I thought was kind of cruddy.
He argued that because the fine print said 'not to be combined with any other sale or promotion' that I couldn't take advantage of it there at Staples because the rebate was 'another promotion'. I then pointed out that Office Depot was doing their own deal where this coupon would work with rebate and sale and he relented and let me get 1 box even though it clearly said limit TWO per household. I was in a huge hurry to get out of town and beat traffic and had already spent too much time pointing this out to him so I didn't have time to argue the 2nd box. I seriously considered going to another Staples whilst on the road, but alas did not get to one before the deal expired.