Here’s the deal: I’m trying so hard to fix sick bubba NoNaps today…….and a cranky daughter, clean house, and get started on my Christmas baskets so we’re going to do a “marathon” post – which is, essentially – a post with time for YOU to comment! :) This way we all learn from eachother, and have fun reading eachother’s comments….it’s all about a “learning experience” for all of us! :)
So, here’s the question of the day:
If so, what helped get them on board?
I’ll start with myself: David never always supported them. Well, I can’t say he didn’t…..he did, but I don’t think he quite “understood” my trips be-bopping around…….took him a while. Does he understand them now? Eh….I want to say I “think” so…….but I’m not “quite” sure if he’s 100% there. Ha ha ;) My in-laws – well, I know they do because they’re the direct recipients of almost everything I buy. In some form or fashion :)
Before he left, he did kind of “roll” the eyes when I left to do this or that, or run here/run there…..but for the most part, his attitude changed when he started opening the fridge seeing all his favorite things – without a dent to the budget :)
My husband told his mom on Thanksgiving that I scam the local supermarket, aka Frys. Like I'm a thief. But that's not stopping me! I love all of your tips and I appreciate all that you do!
My husband has been great. He has always wanted "extra" stuff on hand whether it be food, personal supplies etc. But with two kids with disabilities, one income so I could be home with then and a sucky economy that just wasn't going to happen. We were lucky to just get the food in the house. Well, I have only been doing this for a couple weeks and he is so excited. He loves seeing things come in the house and when I tell him how much I spent he can't believe it. He is just happy to have more than 1/2 stick of deodorant in the house :) He also is not the type of person to use coupons, shoot he doesn't even like to take items back to the store with a receipt! But now I have sent him on trips to get one item here or there with coupons and he leaves all proud :)
My husband wasn't on board at first. He thought I was just buying things to save money. I've been couponing for nearly a year now and my husband is definitely supportive now! He's seen me come home with over $500 dollars worth of groceries for less than $1 (yep, that's right) in the last month. Sunday mornings come around now and he offers to go get my papers for me :)
I have one amazing husband who loves all the aspects of coupons. Getting things FREE or next to nothing. Trying new products that we would not have tried because it cost so much. Stocking up on items so that we dont have to pay full price. Being able to help out others here and abroad. My husband will even get in line to buy things because of the 3 coupon limit to double. SO CHEERS TO MY HUSBAND. from Kelly in Peoria
My husband tries really hard to be supportive of my coupon addiction, but has mentioned that I need to find a "couponers annonymous meeting". Just today he was acting a little peeved that I HAD to run to Fry's (you all know what I mean, I HAD to go!). BUT, when I came home with a ton of groceries and had paid very little for them he literally bounced up and down in the kitchen. I find that reminding my husband why I coupon helps to combat his occassional tantrums. I have 3 kids at home (one who is disabled), a husband that works construction (when was our last full paycheck?), and I am doing my best to put myself through college. Having Sheryl doing her wonderful work and using coupons has been such a blessing to my family!!
Carrie in Casa Grande
I've only been clipping coupons since August. It's been an adventure as I learn what works best for me and trying to understand it all. I've made many trips to the stores while my husband watched the kids so that I can focus on what I'm doing. He's been very supportive. I was concerned that the frequent trips and asking for him to watch the kids AGAIN while I'm out for 2 or 3 hours would wear him thin, but he's been genuinely supportive when I come home with all the groceries and tell him what I've spent.
I've even finished my Christmas shopping for all 3 of our kids and 5 nieces and nephews. I saved a TON on the presents and feel so much fulfillment in what I do. My husband has noticed a change in our bank account and has even brought the coupon inserts home from the paper at his office!
My husband always applauds when I come home from frys lol its the best feeling to help out financially since I'm unemployed. I love Sheryl for what she has done to help us! Our thanksgiving dinner was not as expensive as it usually was. We love you Sheryl!!!!
My husband was in disbelief in the beginning. I even showed him videos to help convince him it could be done. I told him "I'm going to learn how to do that". He was with me the day I reached that point of $100 in groceries for pennies. From that moment on he was not only in full support, but became an active member of the couponing world. He checks with me for coupons if he is planning to make a trip to the store. There have been times when I'm too tired to go and he'll go instead. He's even come back with awesome trips of his own.
For the first time since we married, we are not stressed about the finances for Christmas. Our Christmas shopping is 99% finished & much of it already wrapped. We are way ahead of schedule. This year we are able to be more generous in our giving, but not over the top. And…we spent a lot less this year compared to the other years. The baskets we made for everyone were put together in a combined effort. Our trips to Fry's, CVS, Target, etc. together are what made this possible. Thanks Sheryl for all that you do.
My husband was in disbelief in the beginning. I even showed him videos to help convince him it could be done. I told him "I'm going to learn how to do that". He was with me the day I reached that point of $100 in groceries for pennies. From that moment on he was not only in full support, but became an active member of the couponing world. He checks with me for coupons if he is planning to make a trip to the store. There have been times when I'm too tired to go and he'll go instead. He's even come back with awesome trips of his own.
For the first time since we married, we are not stressed about the finances for Christmas. Our Christmas shopping is 99% finished & much of it already wrapped. We are way ahead of schedule. This year we are able to be more generous in our giving, but not over the top. And…we spent a lot less this year compared to the other years. The baskets we made for everyone were put together in a combined effort. Our trips to Fry's, CVS, Target, etc. together are what made this possible. Thanks Sheryl for all that you do.
6 months ago i dreaded coming home from the grocery store. Having to tell my husband that i spent $150 on just necessities was hard. And he did not like hearing it. I thank The Lord for Sheryl's CentsAble Shopping, cause now when i come home from the store my hubbies 1st question is "how much did u save?" And of course i'm bursting with excitement to tell'm!
I have couponed for years but heavily in the last year. Hubby "puts up with" my addiction and at times will help me with math to get the best oop. I will says this….he tolerates the coupon thing
My husband thought I was actually WASTING money when I first began using coupons. In a sense I guess I was since I was buying tons and tons of soap, lotions and the like by following the 'other' blogs.
Then I found Centsableshoppin!!
It took a while for husband to get excited for me, every chance he got, he accused me of being addicted to coupons. I think he felt neglected by my spending so much time online on this web site, lol.
Now he is away on work and has to grocery shop for himself. Bam!! One trip is all it took for him to whine and moan about the money he's spending. Now he is totally on board with this. Matter of fact, come saturday evenings, the first thing he asks about is how many newspapers I need him to buy on sunday!! He has begun mailing me the extras. Not going to tell him that I could do the same here….he's trying his best, so I'll leave it at that!
Sheryl, you have been a Godsend to my family. I have saved so much on all my shopping trips and I get so excited to share your site with anyone who will give me a minute at the store. I am sure a lot of silent blessings are coming your way from all your readers. Thank you!!
My hubby loves my shopping hobby! He is the best organizer around! He loves thinking of new ways to organize the madness! :)