Saturday = SAVVY SHOPPER – or, as I would say it “Savv-ay Shop-pa!”
Erica says:
So, I went on a little trip to Fry’s tonight and I think you’d be proud (especially since I’ve only been doing this a short time now).
Check this out:
8 San Pellegrino
2 Stove Top stuffings
Scotch sticky square things
2 Ronzoni Pasta
2 Hormel Chilimasters Chili
2 Chunky soups
4 Dole all natural fruit
2 Green Giant steamers veggies
Best life buttery spread
2 Renuzit air freshener cones
Wholly Guacamole (yep, that’s what it’s called)
3 Extra gum
After coupons: $ 0.26
At first the cashier was confused because he owed me $2.37 haha. But, because I’m not really down with the whole grocery store paying me thing I grabbed the 3 Extra gums so that I had to pay him instead of
him paying me. BUT in the end I only spent .26 cents and got 3 cats for .50 off Country Crock, ,.75 cents off Dole fruit, and a 1.00 off my next Fry’s order. I love Fry’s and I love coupons. Thank you for your Centsable Shoppin’ tips.
GO GIRL..Go Girllll….Go – Go – Go Girllll!
I am proud of you!!!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature the “Savvy Shopper” every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to feature YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here on Cents’Able Shoppin!
Erica, looks like you did great! I've been tryin to get the hang of it, it's a little confusing at first but I know I will get it with time. Thanks for giving me more reason to keep plugging away at it.
Thanks. Don't let yourself get discouraged. The first time I spent hours putting together what I was going to get. I got to the store and tried to use my coupons and I was so frustrated I almost didn't try it again. So don't give up; it just takes some practice…oh and shopping at Fry's helps too haha.
Great job Erica! The bad thing about living so far from a Fry's is that I really have to stock up when I do go so I don't get the nice under $5 shopping trips since I have to buy paper, meats, etc… which I can't usually get for free. I also spend hours putting shopping trips and coupons together and does take a lot of work, but so worth it.