Sorry guys, I was trying to finish Safeway so I have been a little slow this morning. You an get FREE Jamberry Nail Shields from – a new daily deal site.
They are $7.50 ea. – Head over HERE to sign up for an account, you’ll get a $10 credit. Then, look to the right hand side of the page. You’ll see the Jamberry Offer… it’ll be FREE after credit.
This would be great for those of you with little girls
Boo! They make you enter your CC info for identity verification purposes, even though it’s free. :(
that suck! boo.. i wont do it
I did it! Just make sure you remove your card right after. It saves it on your account. I love these nail stickers. They are great!!!!
We have to have it to verify uniqueness of customer. If we didnt what would keep one person from registering with 10 different emails?
I did that, now how do I pick out which jamberries I want?
I think I’m gonna wait till they have a little more history that I can research.