Chances are, if you have kids, you have diapers ~ and, it’s likely that you try to do everything your power to save money when buying those diapers.
We have 4 kids, and at one point in time, we had 3 kids in diapers ALL at the same time. It was a crazy period for me… but one I wouldn’t trade for anything. When we had our first in 2006, we opted to use cloth diapers for our children.. I was ON BOARD, but let me say .. He was NOT. He wanted NOTHING to do with cloth.
At first he was not aware of what that entailed, and so I think that the immediate “NO” was justified. But as time passed, he realized that it was really a GOOD option for us, and it worked out quite well. I’m thankful for that .. because we saved a bundle. Then again, he went to work outside the home and I did all the dirty work so he really didn’t care ;)
When you add up the cost of diapering one, and multiply by four, that’s a pretty huge number. Over the years, we have taken a mental note of how we save, and we’d love to share it with you.
Use Cloth Diapers
It may seem daunting at first, but it really is a great avenue to try. There are SO many cloth diapers out there on the market, and they are so greatly different from the flat, white folds you may remember as a child.
Read our LAST post to help you get started using cloth – it’s SO easy!
The initial investment is high ($250 – $300) but…. they can be used for the second, third or even fourth (or more) child. Even more, the more you wash cloth diapers, the more absorbent they get – so they really do get more valuable the longer you hold onto them.
Visit Brand Websites
Huggies and Pampers frequently have coupons on their site that you can print – coupons are usually limited to two prints per computer. Those prints can lead to valuable savings when you pair them with a sale in store… if you can get your hands on Jumbo Packs for $5 or less, then that’s a stock up price.
Write to Companies
If you prefer Huggies over Pampers, or Luvs over Huggies, make sure you take time to write to that company to let them know how you feel. You can read our last post for more details on writing to companies in request of product coupons.
I wrote to Kimberly Clark 2 years ago (2013) to tell them I love Scott toilet paper, and managed to score (2) Coupons for $3 off ANY Kimberly Clark Product, including Huggies.
Stack Coupons with Sales
Having high value diaper coupons is great, but the REAL savings comes when you can hold out for the next sale, an pair up a Manufacturer coupon, with a store coupon, and any additional savings.
If you are shopping at Target, you can stack a Cartwheel Coupon with a Target Coupon, and a Manufacturer for TRIPLE savings. Combined with Gift Card Offers (frequently “Buy 2 Get $5” or, “Buy 2 Get $10” that’s an even STEEPER discount.
ALWAYS make sure you print Diaper Coupons you see on the Manufacturer Website or along with Target Store Coupons so you can have that savings ready if needed.
Join Rewards Programs
Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards is a great way to be rewarded for your diaper purchases – keep the codes and punch them in to earn items like discounted photo prints, or even FREE Diaper Coupons from Huggies.
Likewise, Pampers Rewards is equally as great – they have the same concept. Ask family and friends to keep codes to pass to you as well.
Shop Warehouse Stores
Although they are not always cheaper, sometimes the BIG Warehouse stores DO have sales that you can take advantage of. Each month Costco puts out a NEW coupon book – they frequently have high value Diaper Coupons. Even better, there are times that those coupons can break down the price per diaper to that of what you may pay in store.
The BIG packs aren’t always a good deal there, so do your math before shopping – in months that they don’t have a coupon for Huggies you can skip and find alternative ways to save (as mentioned above).
Buy Store Brand
In most cases, store brand diapers are just as effective. Target’s Up and Up Brand Diapers have been great for us when taken on trips – they don’t leak and have always been cost effective when we spot them offered on a gift card deal.
Walgreens Diapers, on the other hand, have never been great – but that’s my opinion! Yours could vary. You will need to determine which store brands will work best for you.
Wondering what your stock up price may be? We took down a starting point if you are looking to stock up:
Of course, some of you may have even better price points than I do – we’d be eager to see how you save on Diapers (should you choose to share within the comments!)
I buy 90% of my diapers from CVS. Since I shop there regularly, they send me a lot of “$4 off of $20” or similar coupons in my email (though it has been a while it seems like!) I only buy them when they are on an extra buck sale (my favorite is spend $30 get 10 ecb, but I have used their spend $20 get $5 as well. My CVS store has an awesome policy to use CVS coupons past expiration so if there is a CVS huggies coupon I always print from every computer I can! I also get CVS coupons in my account regularly for $5 off $30 diapers (I have one right now for next week!) I am pretty sure I get these regularly because I do buy diapers at every ECB deal. I cannot remember the last time I paid over 4.99 a jumbo pack, and typically I pay 3.49! This is huge savings! I also have an awesome diaper stock pile and it is by far my favorite stock pile!
I buy ALL my formula from Albertson’s, When you spend $30 in the baby section you get a $5 Catalina. So I buy the cans 2 at a time. It prints for me even when it is not advertised anywhere. I then use the Catalina to buy my diapers. The catalina is a store coupon, so you can use it along with your other diaper coupons. I normally only pay $1 or less per pack.
Hi there – I had no idea! :) I will have to share this tip – thanks for leaving a comment!
When I found out I was having twins I started stockpiling!! So grateful to you Sheryl for posting all the great deals. Mostly CVS, and sometimes Target. My girls are now 8 months and I have not run out yet, I continue to pick up diapers on deals only. If only I could have stockpiled up on sleep!! LOL!!