Just a reminder for those of you who haven’t yet taken advantage of it – including me. Haha And I need a pair of shoes, because all I have is FREE Orbit Flipper Floppers – LAME!
Sears is having Family & Friends this weekend; they have shoes for women for $19.99 – with an extra 20% off and FREE ship if you spend $15.99 or more on the shoes. So I scored 2 pair for $31.98. You can’t really beat that. The Avia ones on the top left are reg. $99.99…..wow…..
- Head over HERE to Sears
- Click SHOES on the left side, then click “$19.99 Women’s Shoes” on the left side
- All the $19.99 shoes will come up. Pick what you like, drop in the cart.
- Use code SEARSFASHION or FALL4SHOES20 to get 20% off – bringing them down to $15.99 ea.
- FREE Store Pickup…..or FREE ship (if your shoes are $15.99 or more
You can also score Men’s shoes for the same – instead of clicking on $19.99 Women’s Shoes click on “$19.99 Men’s Shoes” – and you will find a few that qualify – like the US Polo Assn (above) – which are $15.99 + FREE ship after code.
How can you score Freapier shoes than that?! You really can’t! And you can go through Shop at Home for 5% cash back.
Oh WOW thanks!! I don’t need another pair of shoes, but my shoe shelf cries out to me in the middle of the night and I can’t sleep until I feed it something new. :-)
Thanks!! What a great price!
Thanks for this one! Lots of good stuff, cheap, cheap, cheap. I got 3 pairs!
Cool! I bought some! They have great reviews on Zappos. :-)
This is an amazing price for a great pair of shoe :) Thank you so much!