Just this week I had a wonderful reader who emailed me offering Freapers the chance at saving money on their cable bill. Now understandably – not everyone has cable (I don’t) but those who do may certainly pay quite a bit.. I know we used to.
Some of you ladies may have husbands who want NFL Sunday Ticket for the Season … but without the large cost. And some of you, well – some of you may really need to sit down and analyze that cable bill – I took a look at my Mother in Law’s bill to find out she was paying $70+ for Direct TV- she could easily cut that down to $30 and pocket the rest.
Those of you wanting to cut your expenses in the television/cable area, may want to consider looking at other options – bundling with Cox is not always the most economical (at least in my opinion). I had Cox for a few years here in Mesa, before I switched. Although I don’t have cable currently, Cox was much more expensive for me even with the bundled package. We now currently don’t pay for cable so I can’t say I have either
Both Dish & DirecTV have new promotions right now – and at the perfect time = FOOTBALL SEASON. Dish Network is offering the new $19.99 package and DirecTV is promoting it’s best offer ever which includes FREE NFL Sunday Ticket with qualifying packages.
If switching over, you will be eligible for a Fry’s gift card – the amount of the gift card varies depending on the package you choose. I will say that NFL Sunday Ticket on it’s own is enormously pricey – we used to have it 2 years ago, and it was something my husband could not live without.
Those of you who are interested, do give Josh a call at (480) 707-1182 and let him know you read Cents’Able Shoppin – he does too (though he’s a little more reserved) You can also email him if you feel more comfortable with that – his email is elitedigitalservicesllc@gmail.com.
we love directv! we have gotten the sunday ticket for the last two years and this year we were able to get it for free and get to go for free plus a $200 statement credit. when i tell my friends that we have directv and they say that directv has horrible customer service…i laugh at them. ;)
We just got directv since Cox is soooooooooo expensive even with bundling. We have more channels, better picture and it’s about $50 cheaper! We got NFL Ticket for free, and we get a $10 credit each month for ten months for being a referral.
Wendi- can you refer me???
Seriously, I live in SoCal and have the cox bundle which is costing me about $125/month.
That’s just basic cable, internet, home phone. Anybody know how these plans compare to FIOS [sp?]
I need to cut this bill since I just added my teenager to my auto insurance which is costing me bigtime!!
@ Sabrina Please tell how you got it for free with a credit! that is awesome! I just re-signed up and didn’t get a deal at all. = ( We get it every year.
Melinda, i just called and told them that i saw their commercial for free ST for new customers and that i wanted the deal as well. I was told there were no ST deals yet so i asked what else they could do for me. I’ve been a customer for 2 1/2 years and they gave me a $200 statement credit along with free ST to go, 12 months free of Starz and 6 months free of Showtime, a free second hd dvr with free installation, and whole house dvr with free installation. That phone call didn’t give me any ST deals but i called back a week later and said that i had a friend who got ST for free (which was true) and i wanted it free as well. i was offered 50% off the rate first and i said no i want it for free so she said ok fine. lol. you have to call and say cancel to the automated voice and then you will get directed to retentions. they are the only ones that can give you these deals. Also the deals are reset on sunday or monday so call then. it may take calling a couple of times but you should be able to get the deals you want. good luck!
I might just be extremely tired but I am not understanding what is required to get the discount and the NFL package? I currently have Direct Tv, and have for ten years but I really want to be able to get the NFL package for my hubby. What do we have to do? Thanks.
You have to be a new subscriber and subscribe to the Choice Xtra.
just call and speak to retentions (say cancel at the automated voice). then just ask for it. tell them other existing customers are getting it for free and you want it free as well. as a 10 year customer it should be a problem. call on a sunday or monday. they only allow a certain amount of offers for each thing per week and the new offers/codes are reset on sundays or monday. i called on a sunday night and got free ST. they may offer you 50% off the ticket first but hold your ground. also sometimes it takes a couple of calls to get it but don’t be afraid and hold your ground. lol. good luck.
Sadly, my apt complex can only get Cox.