I got a great email today and I love getting messages like this, because it gives you all a chance to chip in and offer advice to a Freaper – and even better, hopefully give you ideas for you for the future!
We do chat a lot about having to give “gift baskets” for those in our family at the Holidays, for the postman, for teachers and the like – but what about those who are not feeling well, who are in the hospital?
Reader MJ says:
How do you do "get well" hospital visits on the freap? I just visited a friend in the hospital,and literally spent $60 on a card, flowers (potted because I didn’t want to buy a vase to go along with it), magazines to read (hoped no one else bought the same gossip rags), balloon, and stuffed animal. OUCH!! It was all very last minute (stopped off at Fry’s on the way to hospital). Of course when I get there, everyone else also has the balloons and flowers, but you just feel obligated to get them.
I have been doing very well making Christmas purchases all year as I come across freapy sales/coupons, but I think I just undid all my "savings" but spending on get well items. I didn’t think to plan for occasions such as this. What do other freapers keep stocked up on for these "get well" emergencies? Does anyone have any unique gift ideas?
Hopefully you all can weigh in with some ideas – I have no clue where to start honestly. I don’t visit people all too often in the hospital, but this would be a great time to get our creative juices flowing!
Last time I visited a friend in the hospital I bought her new jammies from TJ Maxx to wear in the hospital, or while mending once she got home. They weren’t free, but I did get them on clearance at a discount store.
Hope that helps.
I can’t say this would take care of most ppl especially
If you feel obligated, but when my friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (passed away this Monday) and she was transported to a rehab center, I brought her Nivea body wash and a puff for the shower so she would have to be subjected to staph, mercer etc . Also brought her some new flip flops and a new stick of CARMEX
She seemed to appreciate the carmex most. She said “thank you I really needed this”
It was the one thing I wanted when I was in the hospital due to back surgery.
Sometimes, it’s the little things.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend.
Thank you, Abigail. Her name was Judy Reilly and she was a really great lady.
You could by a card with add coupon or hand written note good for one dinner to be prepared by you in the upcoming week, more than likely this person will still be recovering when she/he is released from the hospital and a home cooked meal might be just what the doctor ordered.If you’re not the cooking type you could always get a gift card to a restaurant that offers delivery or curbside pick up…you’d still only be out $25-$30 as opposed to $60!
Wow posted too quick by=buy , omit “with” , add=and :)
I’ve found that food seems to be the best gift while in the hospital! As we all know hospital food is awful! I always make muffins or some sort of bread and bring it in a nice basket! It is always a big hit and under $10!
Walgreens a while back had 20 boxed cards at 1.99 and they were B1G1, Birthday, Get Well, Friend. I picked up a few boxes with my RR, always have a card, no need to buy. Next I always buy extra throw blankets during Christmas season (none themed ones) you get them for about a buck or 2 in Black Friday, things like that would work instead of heading to the store.
I also buy blank boxed cards when they are on sale/clearance so I always have some on hand, baked goods are nice and freapy, and all those freapy tissues, cough drops, chapsticks, toothbrush, mouthwash, toothpaste and hand lotion are nice in a small basket
When I was in the hospital I think I would have appreciated foods (muffins, fruits) and nice toiletries, like lotion and body wash.
Unfortunately a lot of the patients that are in the hospital have food restrictions so I try not to bring food items. I’ve given a robe, slippers, get well card and gift card for food since the last thing they want to do is worry about having to cook when they’ve just gotten out of the hospital :( Also, depending on the unit of the hospital, they may not allow flowers/balloons on that floor so it’s a good idea to call the front desk and ask first, HTH
After I had my daughter my boss stopped by. He had THE BEST gift! A nice cold Dr. Pepper and a gift card to Olive Garden for when I got out. :) If you really know the person think about their favorite things. I know there are Qs out there for single sodas, and a gift card purchase is 4Xs the fuel points at Safeway and Fry’s! :D And I know it is custom to bring flowers and a card, but I think a nice note is better than a plain card, and the flowers I recieved died just a couple of days later.
Freapy balloons at the dollar store. They have decent cards there too.
Stock up on cards and stuffed animals around Valentine’s day when they are super cheap…most of the card deals don’t require that you buy cards for a specific holiday so you can get a variety of kinds. Also making a basket up of the various travel or sample-sized items you get throughout the year can be nice. I think fun socks are a nice thing when you are in the hospital since you are rarely wearing shoes.
I made positive banners with great sayings and posted them all over my friends hospital room. It helped to keep positive. I also provided my friend with manicures and pedicures she really appreciated that.
When my uncle was in the hospital he wanted a book to read or crossword puzzle/puzzles it helped distract him :)