Every so often, I post about signing up for the QT Web Club – if you have not done it I highly suggest you move on over to that site and sign up.
When you sign up for their Web Club, you get FREE things each month just for taking a short survey! Who doesn’t like free? I DO!!
I love QT…not only is it where I get my gas for the car, they have great food. And food always tastes better when it’s free!
The first month I signed up, I got a hot dog + drink. I have gotten subsequent emails each month to take a short survey, followed by a coupon – this month it’s for a 24 oz Coffee — now THAT, my friend, will keep me awake!
recently unsubscribed fromm web group and would like to get back on your list for free coupons
please add me to your list again for free coupons