What a great offer for the guys! I got an email from Smile.ly (which is basically a word of mouth advertising site) – they are looking for guys who are willing to take a one-minute survey to see if they qualify for a FREE Razor Trimmer.
I have been a member of Smile.ly for a little over a year now, and in the process, I have tried some fantastic things – gotten high value coupons and even free items.
I would recommend signing up, and then checking the “offers available” to you to see if you qualify – keep in mind that the Razor/Trimmer offer is only for males!
Didn’t get so lucky? Head over HERE to print a high value $4/1 Schick Quattro Razor/Trimmer!
Very cool! I just got one for my boyfriend, set it all up for him :)
I just scored one for my hubby too, he will he so excited.
I just scored one for…….me! Yay!
Thanks! Just got one for my husband.