If you are in need of a stroller – this is a super deal. I wish I would have been able to get a deal like this back with Gwen, I paid a fortune. I even got her stroller on Craigslist & paid more than I wanted.
Overstock.com has the Graco MetroLite Stroller in Zarafa for $69.99 (reg. $173.03) + $2.95 shipping. Use code 207912 to bring it down to $68.04 + $2.95 ship!
This beats out Amazon who has the same stroller, diff color, for $132.53. OUCH! This would be great for those of you who have a little one and are just starting out, or for those of you who have friends that are expecting – great gift idea.
I love Overstock – I have gotten quite a lot from them over the last few years and their items always ship quickly.
I got my son’s stroller at Babies R Us for $80. It was new in the box. I got a 30% coupon in the mail. His stroller was a Chicco Cortina and that’s about $180. I don’t know how that worked out but the cashier said the computer did it and I can’t change it. I tried waiting for another 30% to take to BuyBuyBaby and get a bigger, sturdier stroller. No luck.