Guys – I just got word that NoMoreRack is doing BLACK FRIDAY early! Tonight! It starts at 12 a.m. EST (that’s 10 p.m. AZ Time)…and runs through Monday at 12 p.m. EST.
Instead of their usual 9 deals, they’ll have NINETY deals. I’d say you need to get moving, if you’re not already register get on over & register – and then tell your friends, family, husband, co-workers register.
Don’t forget – you can get $10 off $20 with code P1070 for first time members — you have to have at least $20 in merchandise in your cart to redeem the credit.
I love NoMoreRack – I’m not a purse girl but I got a SMOKIN deal on a purse last week and it is BEAU-TI-FUL. Paid $10 or $20 I think for it.
I got my purse from there a few months ago. After my codes it was about $13 shipped. I get so many compliments.
i just got my purse and anecklace in the mail the other day!! i really like it alot. i only paid $1 including shipping after my credits!! woohoo for freapy purse and necklace
I can’t get on the site!
Me neither. :( Must be an overload of people. Just gotta keep trying. Can’t wait to see what they have.
same here!!! still trying tho!!! :) thanks for the heads up sheryl!!!
still no luck getting on the site.
once i saw the post i knew i was not going to be able to get on
boo, still nothing for me.
Aw still not loading :(
It’s been an hour and it’s not loading.