Here on “The” Cents’Able Shoppin, we used to do “Savvy Shopper”.
We have made ourselves a NEW honorary term….. and Savvy Shopper will now be known as FREAPY SHOPPER! And today, I’m excited…because I have a Savvy Shopper in SoCAL that has been TRULY remarkable.
We must have an effect on her. Why? Because she watches us pay in coins at Fry’s, DAILY. Ha ha ha!! She can see all of our photos on Facebook, so she decided to put together a smokin run to Walgreens. After her trip she could barely contain her excitement, I mean … I read her email and this lady was so stoked I could feel the computer scream FREAP OUT!
Savvy Shopper Meryl
The subject line of her email to me was, in all caps, I PAID IN COINS I PAID IN COINS!
I did the Wags deal- Almay and Osteo vitamins and I paid in coins!!! My cashier was like, WOW, you saved over $61!!! Woo Hoo!!! Paid $.92 AND I got back $6 in RR.
They were outta Tena pads or I would have done it all over again! I have 2 more Almay coups! =)
Good job Meryl! FREAP OUT in California! I’m so proud of you…. I may need you to teach me Rite Aid Shopping next time I’m out your way How about it? Ha ha!!
For those of you who may be new, and unfamiliar with Savvy Shopper read on!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature a "Savvy Shopper" every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to consider featuring YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here on "The" Cents’Able Shoppin!
Awwww, I couldn’t be more proud- lol!! Receipts going on the fridge!!! :) Love you Sheryl!!
and remember, I just HAD to throw the wine in that pic altho it was paid for in a sep transaction- costing me only $2….for a $15 bottle of wine??? FREAP OUT!!
FREAP OUT! We love ya Meryl!
Where would we email it? It may be just because I’m blonde– but I can’t find that anywhere…