Hopefully since it’s a weekend there won’t be many people trying for MyHabit – we’ll see!
We have 2 MyHabit codes folks:
- A $10 off $10 – MYHABITX – valid through 09/ 01.
- A $25 off $25 – INTLSHIP.
This should make for some FREE Items again, and even better for those of you like me who didn’t get anything last month! Go HERE to get started.
Starting at 12 noon EST (9 a.m. AZ time) – DAILY… they launch their new sales. Shipping is always free, and with either code you can score FREE items.
Read this tip from reader Jen:
If you wait until 9:10 EXACTLY the items are released from people’s carts who didn’t complete their purchase and only have the item sitting in their cart. I went to the item I wanted, hit refresh at 9:10 and the onesie that was previously unavailable (in members carts) was released.
Thanks Jen!
INTLSHIP doesnt work for me? :(
Jennie- Are you getting the message “this promo code may have already been applied to your account”? That’s what happened to me. MYHABITX was applied but the site will not apply INTLSHIP. I did contact My Habit to see if they can apply for me.
Yea, its doing the samething and i also tried MYHABITX and it works just fine.
Oddly, I tried the expired SUMMER25 code & it didn’t say it was expired, but again said “this promo code may have already been applied to your cart.” Must be their default error message. I can only get My Habit to accept the MYHABITX code.
i have same issue
Im trying both codes and am getting the error msg you stated above. Sux as I was actually able to snag something for $25 this time.
Same here.
same with me. I think the code expired :(
It appears that that INTLSHIP code expired on 08/01/11.
it couldn’t have because I used it yesterday and got a shirt for my son…..so that’s not right.
so sad I actully got stuff in my cart but codes didn’t work :(
I just called my habit. They said the INTLSHIP. Is on,y available if you ship outside the united states.
They said it was a glitch in their system
I got a shirt for $25 and used the INTLSHIP code and it only took off $10, not $25 :(
i ended up just calling them..got really cute girls bathing suit for four bucks..thank you
I had the same problem with the promo code, ended up calling and the person was very nice on the phone and my $29 order came up free!! woo hoo
My Habit emailed my back & apologized for the code not working. They put a $25 credit in my account. The shoes I wanted are sold out now, but the money will be waiting for my next order. :)