Every day I get an email with the ToopSwap deal of the day and usually toss it but the last few days it has actually been worth posting! Today is yet another great deal!
You can get $20 credit to thredUp for just $8.00 via TroopSwap – shipping included. Offer is valid for new members only, and limit 1 per household. You can sign up for TroopSwap if you are a Military Servicemember, Vet, Spouse, etc. You will need to verify your membership using your USAA number, last name AND Date of Birth; OR, your unit base code.
thredUP shows its appreciation for military families with great additional benefits:
• A minimum of 1 extra pick will be added to your swap balance each month
• Members can donate box picks to you
• You’ll be included in military-only promotions and contests
I just got 2 boxes last week for Wendy through thredUp – LOVED them. She was so happy and there was quite a few great pieces in there.
p.s you blog template ROCKS! Is it a custom???
you can also try peace. love. swap -they have swap events ALL YEAR! -each event is ONLY $5 – you can bring what you aren’t using any more – and take what you need – it’s that simple (books, toys -large and small- clothes, bouncy seats – you name it..) Plus… our leftovers go to charity. So you get rid of your old, get ‘new to you’ and help those in need. We have several locations through out the US. Don’t have a p.l.s event near you? Start your own! make extra money, get FREE stuff for your kids, give back to your community AND help the environment! It’s the best home based business you will ever run :). Since 2009 peace. love. swap has produced over 100 swap events, donated over 87,000 baby, kid and maternity items to charity, and swapped over 130,000 items!! Happy swapping~
meg/peace. love. swap founder