Those of you who participated in Lowe’s Gift-A-Thon several weeks ago….good news! It’s BACK!
Lowe’s is giving away thousands & thousands of items at 90% off in just a little bit!! Some are big ticket items. Woot! They only give away a few hundred of each item, and the items will go VERY quickly so you have to be on the ball during the promo. What are some of the items they’re promoting?
* 300 KitchenAid K45SSWH 5-quart stand mixers for $14.48.
* 100 Dyson Animal DC28 upright vacuums for $59.99.
* 25 GE GeoSpring hybrid heat pump water heaters for $159.99.
How do you win?
Go HERE to be on their Facebook page. You must “LIKE” them to see their status updates – or you will miss their offers! The event does not take place on their Facebook page, it’s merely where you will be able to see the offer! When it’s time to start, they’ll post a link – you will need to click on the link and fill out the form. Once the quota is obtained, then the discount will no longer be available.
When will the Lowe’s Facebook Giveaway Start?
It begins at 10 a.m. EST (that’s 8 a.m. AZ Time!) Friday, 12/17 and lasts throughout the weekend.
Do note that not everyone will get 90% off coupon codes! If you don’t, they will also have 20% off codes, great party favors for all fans who successfully submit their email addresses, and other great deals that will be announced on their Facebook during the party.
Did you win anything last time? I got one 90% off code for the tool bag. Was really really hoping for the KitchenAid. So excited they're doing it again, but kinda dreading the waste of my weekend already!
I'm not seeing any offers from Lowes. I liked them and RSVPed. Do they just send out the emails and if you get an email, you get the code?
Woot Woot…I won a 90% off code today for the floor vac!