Those of you who have an account with Lot18, check your email/your account.
Reader Terrie let me know today that they are giving random $10 credits to folks:
I just received a email from Lot18, they added a $10.00 credit to my account good until Nov 23rd. So let everyone know to check there email.
I just checked my other email & I got $10 as well, but not all of you will have gotten it – as it’s for select people (random). Lets hope they have a free ship opportunity before then!
Thanks Terrie!
I got one too..yay!!
I got one too WOOT
I just got a $20 credit!! Yay!
yeah, i have $20 on two accts
I got one too!!
If anyone hasn’t signed up yet please use my referal link
I ended up getting a free bottle of wine. It was priced at 17.99 so free after all my credits YAY!!!!
Mine was $20 too! Hope there is free shipping soon.
There is free shipping right now!
Shipping is not free right now… $9.99. yikes! Please let us know when they do have a free ship promo again!!
I never said it was free right now, I said lets wait until it is.
That is weird. I just bought some coffee from this site this morning and did not have to pay shipping. I had a $20 previous credit and with this $10 addition I was able to get it shipped to me for nothing! Gotta love free coffee!
Whhoooo I got it :D
I got one too!
Thanks for the heads up! I had the $20 credit from before and then the $10 from today. I was able to get a 3 piece serving set (spoons and fork, I think) with hooks so they don’t drop in your dish. I think it was $34.98 after shipping but I used my $30 credit so I paid less than $5! :)
I received the $10 credit too. I stacked it with the $15 credit I had for signing up and purchased the serving set. Thanks for the lead, Becky. :)