Since the afternoon is slow, and many of you are finishing up your shopping, wrapping and baking, I though it would be neat to share some great info with each other. This morning I was finishing up gift baskets only to find items in my closet I got 2-3 years ago.
I was on the phone with a reader the other night – told her I had 8 boxes of Gas-X from Fry’s from last Spring (remember.. when we got it free?) A year later, I’m wondering why I bought Gas-X, but them remembered: It helped me get to $50 to use the Fresh & Easy coupon…….
Over the last few years, I have learned quite a bit on my couponing adventure. When I started, I would run to every store – to get every deal, only to find that this morning, I still have things in my closet that I purchased years back.
See me today and I rarely go get the deals I post… I will not drive around to 5 stores in one day just to grab a deal = that is something that I have learned. The deals will always come back.
So let share with each other some great tips and experiences;
Since you have began your adventure/hobby in couponing, what have you learned?
Please comment & share below so we can all read this afternoon (when we get time!) I think this would be a great way to give some tips to those who are just getting started…and also give the seasoned couponers time to reflect, and giggle at some of the comments as well!
Now i buy only things i need other than some good mm. i take stock of things evry few months, donate them if not using. I ve really slowed down with the way i coupon. But i love couponing.
I agree with you. I was once in a hurry to catch all the deals possible, but I started looking at the gas and time it takes to do that, and I realized it needs to be done in a streamlined fashion, only store runs one or two times a week. Not a race to catch the deals, but waiting for the deals to come back to me. Now that I do have a bit of a stockpile, I can “mentally afford” to wait. God bless, Merry Christmas.
I was SO green about this couponing thing in the beginning. I’d clip everything I even “thought” I might want. Would spend hours and hours organizing my coupon binder…only to get to the end of the month and have a “major” clean-out to do in the binder. I found if I clipped all the coupons each week, putting them in the binder, I’d actually forget what I had in there, and it was consuming SO much time. I also learned, early on, to STOP being a “brand snob” and realizing Degree, Sure, Ban, Arrid, etc are just as good as my life-long favorite (Secret). This is what helped me grow my “stockpile” on toiletry items (deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, shave gel, body washes, toothpaste).
I quickly learned to only clip what I know I will use…and IF there’s a “maybe” involved, save the insert and decide at the time it goes on sale if I really want/need that item. This has saved me valuable time, not to mention $$.
I like to maximize my trips to the store, so while shopping, I take “notes” of unadvertised specials, so if I don’t have that coupon with me, I know how much time I have to come back for it. But I try to make sure I only go when I have several errands to run, to not waste time & gas just to go grab 5 or 6 items.
Also, I’ve learned to search out the “goody tables” where discontinued products are put at hugely reduced prices. I’ve got some GREAT deals there on anything from laundry detergent to juices to batteries. It’s actually the FIRST stop when I enter the grocery store!
I’ve also learned to watch those “rebates”. Alot of $$ there that most people won’t take time to cash in on. One month, after receiving several rebates all within a 3 week timeframe, I was able to do a weekly shopping trip on rebate $$. Love that…it’s like picking $$ off a tree!
I agree with you Sheryl. I used to be at the stores almost every day and take time most nights to check lots of sites and organize coupons. I learned spending time with my husband after the kids are down is more important than another bottle of free BBQ sauce. I go to the stores once or twice a week only and its a max of 2 stores total. There will always be another deal. The only time I will make an exception is for razor blades (hubs won’t do disposable)- those suckers are so expensive and a good freapy deal doesn’t come that often!
I learned that the great deals just are few and far between now and I just can’t keep much of a stockpile anymore cuz my kids take care of everything as soon as I bring it home!
I learned that a stock-up price is free. Before I couponed, I didn’t even know that you could get something for half off so I would stock it then. After couponing for awhile, I realized that I only need to spend money on things that I need and only stock up if it is free or ridiculously cheap, not just kind of cheap.
Ladies- I am still a beginner, but this information has been more valuable to me than anything I’ve read so far. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all!!
I have learned that I try not to rush after the deals like I used to. When the Let’s Rock Elmo deal came out I contemplated going out that night and figured I will call Target by my work if they have it then it’s meant to be. Almost everytime I have that philosophy the product is in the store. I try not to make too many special trips and just do it when it is on the way or convenient.
I have also learned online shopping is the way to go as well. Never really was big on online shopping until this year. I even scored on shoes for my 1 year old at—cute style that I liked in store and 2 days after finding it there but not her size low and behold I got an email of a clearance sale online…went and sure enough there they were in her size and no tax!!
I learned that “free” stuff is not really free if you’re paying taxes on it. Especially non-food items that are taxed at like 9%. I only get those “free” items if I really want or need them.
The other thing I do is buy ahead for birthday & christmas gifts and have a gift closet. This saves me tons or time & money not only for my own kids, but for birthday parties that my kids are invited to.
ABSOLUTELY. I learned that a year or so ago; which is why I won’t purchase unless I really do need it.. as taxes do add up and when it’s an unnecessary purchase it makes more sense to save those pennies towards something that you do need.
Soon after I stared with coupon and I made a list with items I do buy on regular basis (milk, bread, pasta, pasta sauce, etc) and I only clip coupons for those items. I do not buy stuff I do not need or not planning to give as gift. If I came accross deal that looks great to my I do stock up – e.g. used to have coupons for purex detergent so I got quite lot and I dont have to worry about detergent at least for year (or I would buy it only of it is cheap). I have lerned that quaterly ECB reward as percentage of money spent in CVS can be combined with % cashback provided by credit card company plus submitting receipts for Endorse cashback and using SavingStart, Upromise and coupons can be another way how to stay in budget.
In my opinion despite you use coupons but hitting several stores a day you tend to spend more compared to shopping once/twice a week for stuff you need.
When i started couponing never check any website, im so excited that i want to used all my coupons right away. As my stock increasing and so is my debt. Then a friend recommended me to various websites, i started to enjoy it without to much pain on my wallet hahaha. The stock pile is not only for my family, shared it to my family (shipping cost-no coupon), relatives, friends, neighbors, food bank, library (free magazines and plastic bags), unused sunday paper (Goodwill) and animal shelter. I become more grateful in everything and thank you so much Sheryl and to everyone making things easier for all of US. Merry Christmas everyone and God bless.
I do get a lot of stuff as I can. I always have stuff to donate or to offer to friends and family while they are going through hard times. Or when they are visiting, if they forget to pack something I have extras of everything. But I do only limit myself to the 3 coupon rule… only 3 coupons for the I only do one store and that’s Fry’s. I am a loyal Fry’s shopper. Anything else if it’s a good deal I will price match at Walmart. Like if Fry’s milk is not on sale but Basha’s is I will go price match at Walmart. I live in Maricopa. So I don’t have many options for stores. And there is no Target, so Target has something but I don’t want to waste my gas I will price match at Walmart. I also love clearance stuff just as much as coupons. Like right now I can’t wait til Christmas stuff goes on sale after Christmas. I will pack away and save til next year.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
One important thing I have learned since I became a Freaper is this. You plan your family meals not from what is on sale, but from what is in your stockpile. You add to your stockpile from what is on sale and you can pair with a Q.
I learned not to chase the deals like I did a couple of years ago. When I first started couponing, I’d buy stuff I had never used and didn’t need, just because I had a Q. And if I good one expired before I used it, I’d mentally beat myself up. (But I’ll buy stuff I don’t need if it’s a MM, and then I donate it.)
I’m a 2 year veteran freaper, and I think I’m doing it right. I took an early retirement 3 months ago because I could. We have paid cash for most things, including cars and houses, and don’t have any debt. Do we know it all? NO WAY! We’re seriously studying Dave Ramsey’s ideas so we can continue to improve.
I do know that being organized helps, and it doesn’t matter what your system is. It can be piles on the counter, or the alphabetical binder. In the end, it doesn’t matter as long as you can locate the Qs you need.
The most important thing I know is that I could never have done this by myself. I am so thankful to Sheryl and the supportive Blog and FB folks who consistently help each other!
I found your site about 6 months ago. I had been on another national site because of the Extreme Couponing show. I still didn’t get it using the other site. I was so happy when I found thecentsableshoppin. You broke it down for our local stores. You explain things and make it easy to understand. Love your matchups! I also was one to run around to 4 different CVS’s in my area to get freapy tiny bags of Cheetos. Good grief… lol. Now I have a nice stockpile and share with my immediate and extended family. I also have made large baggies of sample items and 2 for 1 coupons for the homeless that I pass out when I see them on the corners or off ramps of the freeway. I also check the clearance tables and shelves first, at all the stores I shop at. I will say, I never knew about catalina’s til I found this site!
Sheryl, I can’t thank you (and your family) enough for your time you spend to keep this site updated as well as you do, but I’ll try… THANK YOU and God Bless! Merry Christmas all.
Merry Christmas morning… I wanted to add that I learned to shop online!!! I had NEVER done that before. I got so many things for cheap/free and my kids and GrandAngels loved the free things as much as the items I paid for! Thanks for teaching us all so much, Sheryl!
I’ve learned to clip as I go- I keep my inserts in a file cabinet, organized by date, and only clip the coupons when I need them, and use them during my next shopping trip. It saves SO MUCH TIME, rather than clipping absolutely everything and then organizing my binder and then digging through the binder, it was exhausting!
I’ve learned that deals will always come! If I miss one, I miss one. I know another one will be along shortly!
I’ve learned to be patient- there are certain things that I want NOW NOW NOW, but I know that if I wait, I will be able to get it for much less (this applies a LOT to online shopping, ESP toys and things for my kiddos).
I’ve learned to think ahead. I made myself a “birthday list” on my computer. I have a list of every single person we buy birthday/Christmas gifts for, arranged by month. When I find a hot deal and buy an item, I immediately decide who it is for, label it and stick it in my storage closet, and write it down on the birthday list. That way my toy closet is organized, I know who is getting what, and I never end up double buying, or missing someone!
I’ve learned that the best part about couponing (other than saving $$$) is giving back. I make monthly trips to donate tons of items we get for pennies, or free. I take my kids with me, they’re learning very early how important it is to help others.
The best thing I’ve learned is listening to the established couponers. I’ve only been doing this for about 4 months but I have learned so much from you all. I don’t stockpile for just my immediate family, I share with those family and friends who are also struggling to make ends meet. And I’m teaching my family both immediate and afar how to save, invest in their stockpile and live/shop within their means. Thank you all!
I have learned that I do not have time to clip. i was getting so burned out staying up that I almost said I do not have time to coupon. I just stuck the inserts in a drawer. But I could not resist the website! so now I look at free, cheap, or need items and clip before I go to the store. I also do not buy things I do not need. I was spending so much money it did not seem like I was saving. This is because I was buying things I had never had before that I thought would be great to have now that they were cheaper, but to be honest, are now just sitting in my closet.