If you’re looking for a KitchenAid Mixer you can grab a KitchenAid Classic Plus 4.5 qt Stand Mixer $200 + 20% off with code CON20HH4.
You can get a $20 rebate HERE, and your purchase will qualify for $45 in Kohl’s Cash + FREE Ship.
You can even make it better – go through Ebates for 4% Cash Back AND if you are new to Ebates you’ll get a $10 Gift Card on your first purchase of $25 or more. This is a GREAT price on a Mixer – a KitchenAid that’s very basic, but still nonetheless a great start if you need to grab one.
Thanks Serra on SD!
They are sold out :(.
“SKU ‘number’ is no longer available” B U M M E R!! I will call Kohls tomorrow!!