Just a coincidence that today we chatted about Ink. I feel bad … the last week I have been telling y’all to PRINT and PRINT and PRINT……and today, I finally got a cartridge and guess what? I had SO many jobs I “sent” to the printer (I took the paper out!) that when I finally put the cartridge in today, it is already out of ink………………….. yep, no kidding.
Reader Jen called me when I was in the doc’s office today, giddy with excitement over a deal she found – head over to Dollar Nights – they have a special – through tomorrow, where you can get $20 off an order of $20 or more, PLUS Free shipping. Even better? She got ink. Yep, for $1.17 after the coupon code. Now THAT’S Freapy!
Lets get started:
- :: Head over HERE to Dollar Nights
- :: Register for an account (top right)
- :: Now search for your ink – that’s the tricky part! Don’t get impatient like me!!! It’s HARD to search on that site! I merely typed in “HP 901” and scrolled from screen to screen through all the pictures.
- :: Once you find your ink, add to cart
- :: Plug in coupon code dollar20 — then hit “Recalculate”
- :: Pay, and you are on your way. Dollar Ink told Jen via phone you can do this once per person.
- :: At the rate we print, I’d be hoppin on this in a heartbeat!
You can see my picture above, I got my ink for $1.22. Grandma (haha!) is going to get me ink too. For $1.22. Hell, I wish my neighbor would buy me ink! Just a buck for ink? Who would have “thunk” it?!
This is only through tomorrow, so take advantage of it while you can; if you don’t need ink, think if something else you want to buy.
Thanks Jen on the EAST side! ! And Stephanie who I believe tried to explain this to me this morning when I was in my “groggy” state of mind…
Great find!! :)
Yeppie…Thanks…$2.13 for HP60
Yeah! Got mine $1.90!
Whoa, I need to invest in an HP! I have a lexmark and w the $20 off my ink is $15! What kind of HP’s do you ladies have?!
is this site slooooooooow for everyone else too?
I ordered envelopes instead. I couldn’t find my ink :( but $5 for enough envelopes to hopefully last the rest of my couponing career is good for me.
when i ordered it said my total was $4.88 but after the transaction went throught it said the amount charged was $24.88 did anyone else notice this????
I got this message
Error placing order
The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database ‘DollarDays’, replicated table ‘dbo.tblOrderDetails’, column ‘ITEMID’. If the identity column is automatically managed by replication, update the range as follows: for the Publisher, execute sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange; for the Subscriber, run the Distribution Agent or the Merge Agent. The statement has been terminated.
Hmm – wonder what happened? It charged my card :( but error? confusing!
I ordered hp60 ink. My total was $2.13 and I already have a confirmation email. woot woot!
I picked out other things, which brought my total to 79 cents after the discount but says 3.74 for shipping and 16.71 for “Adjustments” . Has anyone else seen the “adjustments” fee?
The code is only good on office & school supplies, everything else has a $19.99 shipping fee
I just tried to order pens, and it added 16.09 for adjustments.
Did you guys put in your credit card info? I’m a little hesitant to…
My total came up to zero so idk if I should put in a card number
my total is $0, they won’t let me use paypal. :(
I checked out with google checkout, since they have a secure site which I then entered my CC info.
i just got my ink ordered. thanks
Oh my heavens! I love you guys!
What kind of HP do you have? I need to invest on a printer, wireless preferably, but not too expensive. Help? What’s the best deals for a printer?
I got mine! Spent $20 though for a High Yield (450 page) cartridge. =) Thanks!
I have an HP4500 series, it is wireless, I believe we bought it sometime last year at Walmart. Not too expensive, it uses HP60 which I also got for $2.13!!
well they did not have mine neither, maybe I can get something elese it is running sooooooooo slow
It won’t let me register. I am sad
Great find! Registration was slooow. The site was really slow in general. It took me forever to register. I kept having to hit refresh and resend the data. Finally it worked after maybe 15 times. I got my HP21 ink for $1.73. My husband registered and got the HP22 colored ink for a little over $7.00. We did 2 transactions, two registrations, 2 credit card #s. For the person’s whose total changed- my cart timed out after doing the coupon code and going to the second page of the checkout. I had to hit “go to previous page” and reapply the coupon code before it adjusted my total back down again. Just double check your total and also the shipping is only free for office supplies I guess.
Thank you!!!
55¢ for hp copy paper, love it!
Darn they don’t have my ink although it’s only cost 10 dollars to begin with but still I was hoping. I love my Kodak. I can print my photos and they look like they are from the store (with the right paper of course) or a coupon in draft quality and print hundreds of them. What’s best it doesn’t use my color w/ I print b/w. I haven’t replaced that thing in like 6 months now haha.
MANNNNNNN, how could I have missed this one, SHERYL??? FREE SHIPPING is over due to popular demand by noon EST today which is 9 AM PST- or MY TIME! :( Already gone…..waaaaa!