There is another NEW deal site out there, and I just got the heads up from a reader – pretty neat! JackThreads is offering FREE $10 Credit when you sign up.
Even better, they have FREE Shipping on Domestic Orders this weekend only – looking through their site, they have shoes for less than $10, and Flannels for just $11.99 – so just $1.99 for a nice flannel + FREE Ship.
The site is geared to the guys, so ladies you won’t find much for yourself, but we will for the men in our lives.
Thanks Stephanie!
I got a free fannel for my son like he has been asking for so Thank you very much. Its been the best Black Friday ever….Its been almost free.
So welcome ;) I got one too.. Not for hubby but for me! Lol ;)
Many thanks! I just picked up a free shirt for my hubby.
Thank you so much. I can’t believe I just ordered a regularly $30.00 shirt for hubby and paid absolutely NOTHING. You are amazing!
I just scored a free watch :)
I got hubby a new belt- $3.50. Wow!! Thanks!
says i have to enter my credit card number?