Guess what this week is? It’s a great week for Sheryl. I’ll actually get to eat a BIG FAT JUICY Cheeseburger. Ha ha Sometime this week, I get to perform a mystery visit for TGI Fridays. It’ll be my 4th or 5th time. I’m stoked.
Ever done a mystery shop? Would you like to?
Focus on Service is constantly seeking mystery shoppers for lunch and dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse locations, OR, (if you are in Arizona): TGI Fridays. Go here and sign up. After you register you can log in to see available shops in your area. If there aren’t any that you see, they will email you when available shops are open. You can then apply for available “shops”, and you will get notified if you are selected.
I love these mystery shops to restaurants because I NEVER go out to eat. Ever. I’m on a very tight Dave Ramsey budget… so eating out is a no-go for me. This mystery visit will enable me to not feel guilty, and still help me get my big fat cheeseburger fix!
Here are the notable points of mystery shopping with Longhorn:
- Each household is able to mystery shop for Longhorn’s twice a year.
- You will pay up front for your shop. You will get your check within 3-4 weeks of your shop.
- You can apply to a lunch or dinner shop. Dinner reimbursement is slightly higher, as you are required to purchase desert.
- Lunch reimbursement is $25.00 towards your meal, and $10.00 for filling out the survey on time. Dinner is reimbursed between $30-50.00 for the meal, and $10 for the survey.
After your shop is completed, you will be required to fill out a survey online about your shop. This is where it pays to have a good memory (or good notes!) The survey is very detailed, and asks you a variety of information about the experience. After you submit the survey, you will receive your reimbursement within 7-10 days.
I know many of you signed up for this last time – did you get a visit? Those of you who are new to this information I encourage you to sign up. It’s pretty fun to do these once in a while h
I just did my first one 3 weeks ago. It was pretty fun. And, they paid me the $35 within 2 weeks. Awesome experience, thanks for the heads up on this last month.
Thank you so much for the info!! I just signed up and there was a location near me that I applied for!! This will be great as our anniversary is coming up next month too!! Thanks again Sheryl!! You Rock!!
I signed up with Focus on Service the last time you posted about it. I did my first mystery shopping meal at TGIF last week. Haven’t gotten paid yet, but they were excellent and easy to work with! For those who haven’t done it, be sure to read the sample survey they send – they want lots of details and it will help you know what to look for and remember. We went on a Kids Eat Free night and fed our family of 5 for free!
Just went and did one last week at TGI Fridays!! It was great. Thanks for letting me know about this!!!!!
I have a TGIF mystery shop planned for the first week in May! Very excited! :)
I just applied for one for the 2nd week in may…does anyone know how long it takes before they let you know if you were picked to do it?