If you haven’t roasted peppers before………. this might help you jump on the bandwagon.
Yesterday I scored a super deal on a bag of Pasilla Chile Peppers at Fry’s. Just a few days ago I let you know you can save all kinds of money on produce with some simple tips – checking the produce rack at your grocer is just one.
I picked up a netted bag of 9 for just $.99 – super deal, considering they are $2 per pound if not more in store. I was excited.. but I had just bought a huge bag of 9-10 from the Ranch Market a few days before. So now I had close to 20. Yikes!
We love them for Chile Rellenos, but you can also eat them on top of hamburgers, freeze them for other dishes, or just eat them plain like my husband does. If you are in Phoenix, you can pick up Roasted Chiles at Pro’s Ranch or Food City usually on weekends. But…….. there’s something about roasting yourself that I love – the house retains the smell & it’s absolutely amazing.
I don’t own the best camera, but here’s a quick how-to if you haven’t ever roasted your own:
Line a few cookie sheets with foil – lay the Chiles on the sheet. Turn the oven on Broil – and make sure the rack is as close as you can get it without the burners touching the chiles.
Roast on one side – until you hear popping sounds & the chiles start to turn black (not too much though or they can mush!) Fair warning: Your house will smell like Chiles.. so I kept the oven door shut as much as I could (while keeping an eye on them) and the vent fans on, with the back patio open.
Take out of the oven, let them rest a bit…….until they cool d own. Then peel the skin off carefully and set on a plate. I have no idea what to do with the skin so I throw it. Maybe you have a better option to re-use?
You then have Roasted Green Chiles – you can put them in a Ziploc & freeze until you are ready to use.
Use them to make Chile Rellenos…… slice up and put on your hamburgers, soups, or casseroles.
I know you saw this coming….would you share your Chile Rellenos recipe? My husband LOVES those and I’d love to surprise him with them sometime.
Check this as well : The Best and Worst Nuts For you