Over three years ago, we incorporated essential oils into our family’s wellness. During that time, we have learned and gained so much valuable information to help us take care of our emotional health, immune system, to help us find better rest and to help us move away from toxic home and personal care products into items that are better for ourselves and kids.
Having the opportunity and freedom to help ourselves naturally is an incredible feeling.
I hesitate to share such a personal testimony, but in doing so, I hope it gives others a better idea of what is possible through alternative options.
For years, I have always had a tiny bump (cyst) on the front of my neck. It hasn’t ever been sore, or given me issues, it wasn’t anything serious that warranted extra attention.
The end of May, I was driving out of town to Southern California and I noticed that the bump on my neck was growing in size. The lump was hard, and just grew and grew and grew – the next day, we woke up and I realized that the lump had grown into a cyst, and eventually would probably need extra attention.
The lump was an unimaginable size and very sore – it hurt to sleep, shower, look down, and look sideways. It even hurt to turn around to tell my kids to get along every time I hopped on the freeway. Ya’ll, the struggle is real.
I normally try to stay clear of running to the doctor for ailments. I was a pretty healthy mamma with a vibrantly healthy baby, so I had no intention of dropping in with this cyst. However, after a few days, it was considerably larger. I went in to the doc on a Sunday just so I could ask for a referral to a dermatologist. I wasn’t in the doctors office for even just a few minutes, before I was back in our truck, putting my seatbelt on.
To make a long story short, he took one look at the infected cyst and told me that there wasn’t anything he could do. But he could write a prescription. He also explained that there wasn’t anything a dermatologist could do either, except write a prescription. Then, he explained that there wasn’t any other option for this cyst except a prescription, taken over the course of the next 2-3 weeks.
My interpretation of his diagnosis was this: I don’t know any more than you do about making this cyst go away, and I have a waiting room of patients, so let me just write you a prescription because that’s easy.
Acting on behalf of my own health as my own primary care physician, I politely declined (which transpired into a laughable response from the doctor). I wasn’t willing to take a prescription antibiotic – not only would it disturb the good gut health I have going on in my body, I was also nursing.
(Just because an antibiotic has deemed to be acceptable, doesn’t necessarily mean it has been tested for safety on women who are pregnant or nursing.)
So I went home and thought about it – and over the next week, worked diligently to eliminate the issue, so I could get back to normal. I wanted nothing more than to be able to sleep properly because every time I put my head down, it would throb something fierce.
- The first two days, I applied Manuka Honey twice each day in a thin layer on the neck. Of course, it’s sticky so I put my hair up so as to avoid sticky, honey-filled hair. I left that Manuka Honey on for 30-40 minutes each time.
- I followed up with mixing a small amount of colloidal silver with powdered bentonite clay, until it was wet enough to apply to skin. I molded that over the cyst and taped a large bandage over the top and went to bed. I did this for two days – the bentonite clay and colloidal silver reduced the size of the cyst and softened up the area to draw out the infection, and help me drain the fluid.
- Over the next few days, I took several hot showers each day, allowing the heat to soften the neck area, and help me drain the cyst (it took considerable time to drain because it was so large).
- I followed up with a simple facial wash combination of raw honey, Castile soap and distilled water combined with Frankincense and Lavender essential oil. After allowing the area to drain, and washing it thoroughly,
- Every time I walked into the bathroom for anything during this time, I applied a diluted mixture of colloidal silver with distilled water and Melrose essential oil.
Eventually, the cyst completely healed.
Less than two weeks from the day that the cyst appeared, it reduced completely in size. My skin in that area needs some help – it has a scar (obvious from the far right picture at top). Castor oil and Lavender Essential oil are both great for supporting skin.
It wasn’t until a week after (so 3 weeks later) that the Primary Physician called to let me know that he finally agreed to give me a referral to a dermatologist (nice, right?). However, the dermatologist wouldn’t be able to see me until the first week of August.
I politely declined.
You might be curious to know what transpired me to share this on a public platform.
It definitely pays to seek out alternatives even when these options are not the societal norm.
And sometimes you really do know what’s best for yourself despite the advice of a medical professional.
I’m not against traditional medicine – when the situation permits. I’m also not against those who are medical professionals – there are many wonderful doctors out there that are eager to help patients beyond simply just resorting to a prescription. In most instances, however, it’s easier for them quickly move through a very busy waiting room by simply doing what comes most easy.
Alternatives are always available – and while they might not be a wise path to take for every medical issue, they are in many instances a better option. They do require more attention than simply accepting a prescription, they can sometimes be a better option for your health in the long term.
In the end, sometimes you are your own best health advocate.
Update as of Oct, 2020: The cyst has not yet returned.
Nature of this site: This is a personal blog, with changing content, that includes conversations and comments. Opinionated content: This blog contains opinions and doesn’t reflect the opinions of any organization we are affiliated with.
Terms of use: Any information presented on this blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge – however, there may be omissions, errors and mistakes. Harmless clause: It’s important that I mention that information presented on this blog is for entertainment and informational purposes and shouldn’t be seen as a type of advice – whether medical, legal, tax, emotion or other. If you rely on the information on this blog alone, you do so at your own risk.
Not a professional: I am not a medical or finance professional – this information presented should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a professional before taking any kind of action. Reservation of rights: Lastly, I reserve the right to change how this personal blog is managed – I can change the focus or content of this blog at any time.
Hello, I love the article. I just have one question about the process, that being the draining of the cyst. Is there a simple/ safe way to do it? And if so, how does that process work. Thank you!
Glad you found it helpful. It was one of the most painful things I have ever had (besides labor of my kids). What I found helpful.. is to take a nice hot shower for 10-15 minutes (as hot as you can stand) before you get ready to gently squeeze. That heat will help bring the cyst to the surface. Or use a hot washcloth or a heat pack to bring the cyst up to the surface before draining it. By feeling around the cyst you should get a sense of where the middle is so that when you squeeze it, it drains properly.
I am thankful I found this blog. I had a cyst just like your on my upper back. I never had issues until about a year ago. I tried to drain it but I ended up burning the cyst which was very large. It grew to 4 inches and 2.50 wide. I put holes in it when I burned it. It was a mess. I had stinky stuff coming out. My concern was that I might get a bacteria infection. I ended up going to a dermatologist. They did drain it for me. I am still healing. They keep telling me I need to get it removed. I am not sure I want to go that route. they did put me on antibiotics bc they were afraid I had staph. I took it in fear that I had staph. They waited almost a whole week before my lab test came back. I had no bacteria infection. they then wanted to put me on another antibiotic which I refused to take. I have been doing what you are doing. so far I am doing ok. I hardly ever go to the doctor. I am not a fan of antibiotics. Thank you for sharing this with me. I know how it goes. I still do not know if I will get it removed. They say that is the only way to make it stop filling back up.
Rosalind — I’m glad I shared it on here.. I was concerned about mine for quite a while too. I did not want antibiotics. But.. it has now been several years and it has not come back. I was so embarrassed to go out in public.. and the doctors here did not want to do anything but just give me meds. I worked so hard at getting it to go down and all that hard work paid off.. I haven’t seen it come back. There is hope! If you ever need to reach out to me for encouragement, feel free.. I’m always here ;)
Hello, I am glad to find this article. Where can I buy the colloidal silver and the powdered bentonite clay. Is it safe to apply to a 14 yr old. I do not want her to take meds or antibiotics. I always want to go natural when it comes to my babies. Hope to hear from you. Thank you so nuch
I’m so glad I came across your blog post. I have a large sebaceous cyst on my back at the moment and it is very similar to how you describe – large, hard and sore. I’ve been applying magnesium sulphate paste to mine, changing the dressing every day and using a heating pad to heat up the area and promote drainage. Like yours, mine first showed up as a lump on my back 2 years. ago. Sore at the time but then seemed to go down again. This year, it came back with vengeance. I am also keen not to get mine surgically removed and refuse to take antibiotics unless absolutely essential. I think sometimes doctors are keen to do something just for the sake of doing something, be it for money or to get the patient off of their back. With a little bit of patience and persistence, natural healing and less aggressive therapies can do wonders.
I am trying this remedy tonight. I just applied the clay/silver mixture and covered it. So when I start the squeezing process in 2 days, do i squeeze till it starts draining and keep squeezing until it stops oozing? And then repeat for a couple of days? Thank you for this helpful information. I’ve had it surgically removed three times and I want to do anything to avoid that process again.
Also , how do I know when it’s ready to start the squeezing process?
Did you puncture it at all? Sterilized needle maybe?? Or did you just squeeze?