I posted this yesterday mid-day and it looks like it’s still going strong! Great deal for those of you who head to the movies. Pay $5 for a $12 Ticket to AMC Theaters (SILVER)…..Head over HERE to see the deal. There is a limit of 2 tickets per person.
I know some of you get there before 6 pm and get less expensive tickets, however, the majority of us can’t make that happen, I know I can’t…..so I’m always looking for an alternative way to get there cheaper than a full price shot.
Fine print: Subject to surcharge for 3D, IMAX, ETX, alternative content, and premium services and locations. Not valid for Special Engagements — showings of a film during the first ten days after it is first released. This deal does not expire. Redeem at www.redeemtickets.com.
how is this a $12 deal? It costs 7.50 to go to the movies. Does it include something else?
They are only $5 a piece. I bought 2 for $10
I dont know where you go to the movies but unless you do a matinee most the theaters in Mesa are 9.50. And $12 is the value the ticket can go up to. This is a national deal and I know movies in Cali are more expensive then here. So if movies are only $7.50 where you are then you are still saving $2.50 a ticket
AMC for $7.50? child or matinee maybe….but not for date night that’s for sure!
AMC does not do child cost tickets. AMC is definitely not 7.50. I paid $30 for 3 of us to go – one adult, 1 – 4 year old and my 18 mo old was even full price.
If I bought 2 yesterday can I buy 2 more today?