Here’s an amazing deal on Similac. Reader Chea got a case of the 48 – 2 oz Similac bottles for just $10.09 SHIPPED (NEW Customers Only!).
Head over HERE to Abbott store – find the case of 48 – 2 oz Similac Bottles HERE, drop them in your cart. Enter codes LUTEIN and SIM3OFF at tcheckout.
You will select Priority Shipping; your total should be $10.09 after both discounts.
I have never used these but what an amazing deal for those of you who will be traveling – these can come in super handy!
Thanks Chea!
Just tried this and it worked!!!!
Great deal on formula. I love using these bottles when I’m out and about with my baby. So much easier than mixing formula (which I do at home) and the best price I have see on them is a box of 8 for $5.59 at Fry’s.
Oh Joy! I am so happy that this worked. I missed the last one of these deals and these are much more convenient.
Thanks for letting us know about this! This is perfect for summer travel! Yay!
I plan to nurse my little guy when he arrives in July, but it will be nice to have on hand just in case. And what an awesome thing to donate to mother’s who need formula and can’t afford it!
I just this this I found out through a facebook friend this is an awesome deal
Is this deal dead? I just tried the promo codes but it won’t let me.