Saturday = SAVVY SHOPPER – or, as I would say it “Savv-ay Shop-pa!”
Diana, Monica, & Joan!
I thought I’d share my last two Monday nights at Fry’s with you. The first transaction was exactly $0.00!!! I paid nothing, I actually had to get that Kit Kat bar to cover my overage :) (Keeping that receipt forever)!!!! The second pic was from two transactions. The first I paid $.35 and the second I paid $12.42 for and got $12 in catalinas back!!! So all in all, I paid $.77 for all of the groceries in the two pics!!!
Monica says:
I paid $4.91 for alllllll this!!!!!!
I was PUMP’D!!!!!!!! Talk about a GREAT Frys run…………….
2 butterfingers – $.39 each w/in ad coupon
For those of you who may be new, and unfamiliar to Savvy Shopper read on!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature the “Savvy Shopper” every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to feature YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here on Cents’Able Shoppin!
Hellooooo…where is everybody??
Wow Sheryl, I so envy this week's Savvy Shoppers. Great job ladies!!
good job to the shoppers! i get excited to see your pictures! it motivates me to go shop !