Take yourself on over to FocalPrice today & grab the Hello Kitty Watch + FREE Shipping. You will need to type in “Hello Kitty” in the search bar. Enter code SELL8OFF to get an extra 8% off.
Shop at Home offers 5% cash back; order 3 watches & your price will drop to $2.22 ea. + FREE ship.
Thanks Save the Coupons & Mom’s by Heart!
i can never figure out these deals :(
I had a hard time charging my correct address on PP I hope we recvd these items.
Help Please,
me neither…
I don’t know why but I have never had any luck figuring out how to order from this site. I typed in Hello Kitty and clicked on the hello kitty store then clicked shop now. It takes me to the site, I put in 3 watched that are priced at $11xx each but it says I need a minimum $40 order. I added another watch to bring it to $44. I went through the whole process until it tells me to select payment method, nowhere did I see to enter that code to bring it down to the $2.22 each. Can someone please help and tell me what I am doing wrong? I would love to get these as Christmas gifts for my neices and cousins!
So confused. Went to same as shawndra – search HK and went to HK store but I actually didn’t even find the watch that’s pictured. Did it go to the correct site?
Just search hello and it will pull up the watches.
Is paypal the ONLY way to pay?
having trouble also, really wanted to buy this for my daughter!
I clicked on the Focalpoint today link above and then the shop now button, searched Hello kitty….it was very slow but I was finally able to order just very slow! YAY!!
I can’t figure it out either. The watch I see is not the same as picture and the cost is $11.04.
I had no problem at all, except for the server giving me errors because of traffic, when you hit the refresh button a few times it goes to the correct webpage. I bought a slightly different watch and paid 7.53 for all 3 watches (not including the 5% off I’ll get from shop at home). Thanks for everything Sheryl!!!!
Ditto. I only see the 11.04 watches plus it sayss I have to have a $40 order and the code SELL8OFF is incorrect. Ah!
Same here had no problems i ordered 3 watches [not including the 5% off from shop at home] & paid $6.62 for all 3 watches..yay!! This def is a sweet deal:] We love Hello kitty being from Hawaii its everywhere..now that we’ve moved to phx i hardly see it around:[ Thanx Sherly!!!
dont serach hello kitty search watch. It brings up ALOT of watches, they sort by lowest price. There are about 8 -10 watches that are hello kitty under 3.00. To use the other promo code you need to sign in and make an account. then go back to your cart and add promo code. some times it will give you error codes but still add to your cart so watch for it to make multiples. Also. it says only paypal but you can just chose as a guest you dont have to have a paypal account.
mine went right to the site. I did have to register for an account in order to use the promo code for 8% off. I bought 3 watches and paid $6.62 OOP. Try again ladies! I had teh server message too, keep refreshing!
I got one, easy as pie! Paid $2.98 because I didn’t need 3. Thanks Sheryl!
I paid $8.17 for 3 watches, one Hello Kitty & 2 for me =) I’ll put them in my stocking lol.
I have had a little trouble but am at the final? step however I have not entered continue because it is not showing my purchase. On the box to the left it says I will see my purchase before paying but I am not seeing it. Has anyone else had this problem?
Had a cart full ready to purchase. Went to enter paypal and the site timed out. When it came back up my cart was empty. Now I can’t even get on. :( So sad!
Three hours later – I think I got some things ordered. lol It was weird because it told me the items could not be ordered at first because the SKU was out of stock but then it said on the right side “in stock”. It timed out again and when it came back I went to a different screen and quickly paid. It took the money so hopefully it works. I guess like everyone says keep trying….if you have the patiences. lol :) Thanks for telling us about this…great deals.
when i click the paypal link it just gives me this crazy error page…I have been trying since this afternoon. tried from my phone, laptop and pc all day! Anyone else get around this?
has any one gotten them yet?
I just got mine yesterday! Nice watches!