Since we are all picking up cheap or FREE Heinz Vinegar this week, I thought it would be most appropriate to show the many household uses of the fun purchase we made.
Walmart: Heinz Vinegar $1.00 AND $1.28
$1/1 Heinz Vinegar 6/24 Inserts
= FREE – $.28
With all this free vinegar, what do you plan on using it for? I haven’t gotten mine, but I sure plan on using it for many different things around the house.
Vinegar is a regular purchase for us – we use it in everything from laundry to drains…. to ridding the yard of weeds and cleaning our washer. I’m out of Vinegar at the time, so getting it free later on my trip couldn’t have come at a more opportune time.
I rounded up all the neat ways we have talked about using Vinegar here on the blog – hopefully you can add to this list & let us know what you use it for.
DIY– Easy Leather Cleaner from 2 Household Staples
DIY: 2 Ingredient Homemade Weed Killer
DIY: Homemade Bathroom Cleaner – Dawn + Vinegar
DIY Solution for Clogged Drain
DIY: Easy Washing Machine Cleaner
DIY: Rid the Mildew Smell in Your Towels (using Vinegar)
DIY: Inexpensive Fabric Refresher
Other uses:
- Grow beautiful azaleas: Occasionally water plants with a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar to one quart water.
- Get rid of animal urine stains from the carpet – with an equal part of vinegar and water, then rinse
- Brighten colors by adding 1/2 C. Vinegar to the rinse cycle
- Clean your coffee maker by running vinegar through it, make sure you rinse thoroughly afterwards
- Use it 1:1 to mop your linoleum or tile floors
- Soak a towel in vinegar (small one) and wrap it around the showerhead overnight to get rid of the buildup
- Deodorize your garbage disposal – make vinegar ice cubs, feed the disposal and rinse with cold water
- Easily remove the nasty cooking smells from your house by letting Vinegar and water simmer on the stove
- Add a tablespoon to the water when you make rice = fluffier rice!
Do you have any to add to our list?
Vinegar makes a great fabric softener. Put in your dispenser instead of the downy. Awesome for those with sensitive skin
I just got a new car and the previous owners smoked in it. it absolutely WREAKS. i read online that placing a bowl of it inside the car for a night or 2 will get rid of it. hoping this is true!
Am I the only one who didn’t get the vinegar coupon?? I checked my inserts this morning an nada. Guess I’ll be ordering them.
I have a great one for Vinegar! My mom has had a lot of problems with her feet. She has athletes foot and rough dry feet due to her diabetes. She also has fungus on her toes. So if any of you suffer with these problems try vinegar! Soak your feet in straight vinegar for about 30 minutes (read or watch tv while you do this:) after this using a foot scraper scrub your feet. Your dead skin will literally fall right off. Its pretty gross but it works! My mom did this twice a week for two weeks. She will now wear open toed shoes because she is finally happy with her feet.
Also a tablespoon or two to your water for boiling eggs, will help peel easier, my mum tried it n’ will do it again!