The last few days have led to quite a few recalls on various products, from Naked Juice to Alexia, and Barbara’s Bakery – even more.
Over the last few months I have been fairly particular in what I purchase; I won’t purchase anything that holds ingredients that are genetically modified.. no matter what the cost, it’s not worth my health or the health of my kids.
Because that means were more stringent in what we purchase, it also means that I spend more time trying to find those “foods” that are clean – reading labels took so much time, I found an app that I use on my iPhone that might help those of you who are in the same shoes as me.
Pick up the Healthy Food, Allergens, GMO’s and Nutrition Scanner on the Apple iTunes store for $3.99. It’s great for iPhone or iPad – and allows you to scan the barcode with your phone – and then tells you if the item has chemicals, additives, artificial sweeteners, etc.
Cost was not a factor in preventing me from purchasing the app – I have gotten my use from it countless times. Although I try to purchase items that are certified Non-GMO (with the seal), sometimes you stand in the organic section and toss things in the cart (Kashi is a great example.. it’s really not that good for you!) not realizing that even though it might be in that area, it’s not the best choice.
Wish they’d get this for Droid. I have to screen everything for nuts, manufactured with equipment that processed nuts, nut extracts, etc; and need to note any that are strong in soy. My shopping trip takes a while.
Have you used the app “Fooducate”? I ‘think’ it does the same thing for free. You just tell it what you want to avoid (artificial sweeteners, GMOs, etc) and it alerts you when you scan it.