Got a great heads up from one of my readers who just snagged herself some cheap throws for Christmas gifts. If you’re still in the market for a few really neato Christmas gifts for the guys – or even for the gals, this may be something to look at. I’m still looking for the guys in my family…so every little tidbit helps! :) Plus, many of you have been emailing me things like this to post — as people try to get ready for Christmas, you want everyone to have every opportunity to get a decent deal :)
I’ve never ordered from this place, but it’s called “OneStopPlus”. You can get yourself 2 Faux Fur Throws for $6.97 – including shipping (that’s about $2.98 each). Not too shabby…honestly for a 40×50 blanket.
So here’s how you get them:
:: Go to Shop at Home
:: In the search box type “OneStopPlus”
:: Hit “Shop Now”
:: Once you get there, type in 0054-79578-1270 in the search box. Add two to your cart
:: Go to checkout, add promo code CHMON5 to get 50% off plus .99 shipping (woo hoo!)
:: Your total is now $6.97 for 2 of them
They’re pretty big – looks like 40×50 size. I’m debating getting these and I really don’t order much online..but these would be nice to put with the guys gift baskets this year. Hmmm…..I hate making these decisions…………..
Thanks Stephanie!
Thanks for the post. I went over to their site and ordered them. I'm excited to get them. =)
Looks like they're sold out since I can't find these. Darn it! They looked awesome! Oh, well, I'm sure there are other deals coming my way!
ugh sold out..i went to order them for my girls. :(