Those of you with kiddos who need to get hair chopped before school starts may wan to head over to Great Clips 3 – 12 August.
Reader Stephanie works over at Great Clips on 59th and Thunderbird and sent me this email:
Just a reminder that Great Clips starts their Annual Back to School Haircut sale, $7.99, August 3rd-12th.
If you get a chance to get over there – and if you live in the area of 59th and Thunderbird, let her know you’re a fellow Freaper too
Is this special just at that location, or all GC locations?
all of them
Here in Tucson, this sale started last Friday, so if you need one today, you can get it!
Also, no coupon necessary!
Hi, I ask with one of great clip representative but she said that coupon is required and i comes via mail
Is it only for kids?
Nope, it’s for anyone! Adult son got his cut last Friday–sweet deal!
SWEET!!! I was gonna get both of my girls hair cut today, looks like it will be tomorrow!
Hey everyone just to let you know also…Empire Beauty School is having a Cat-a-thon on Saturday…FREE HAIRCUTS for kids going back to school…plus some school supplies also…I dont konw if it all of the Empire Schools but ours is on McDowell…99th and the 101. Great cause!
Thanks for the heads up Amber, I live right down the street from there!
Awesome!!! I will be there shampooing!!!