Not sure if you’re familiar with Newegg, but I have ordered Electronics for David on there plenty of times. You can score the Graco Baby Travel Gift Pack for $4.99 – + FREE Ship. This sells on BabyAge for $23.99 (OUCH)!!
The set includes:
- Rain cover
- Bug netting
- Stroller toy bar with plush monkey
Not a bad idea for those of you who are prego, or, for baby shower ideas. Head over HERE to capture the deal. You can also go through Shop at Home for 1.5% cash back.
I’m thinking Minnesota mosquitos would be perfect to test out this kit (haha ) – me being from up there, I know how bad those ‘squitos can be!
Thanks! I just ordered one and the S&H was free in Maricopa! A steal for $5 for my new bundle of joy coming soon.
Boo, it wanted to charge me $6.49 shipping :(
Out of stock :(