How ’bout that Saturday bling?
So today is Saturday. And Saturday = Savvy Shopper!
Our Saturday Savvy Shopper happens to be…….
Here is a picture of my Safeway trip this morning……I paid with a previous Hallmark Catalina and .17 cents cash! and got another $5 Hallmark back! My savings was 100%
Woo hooo lady! Yes Yes Yes! I’m coming to your house to eat! :) You did wonderful Lisa, this is some smart shopping! Now…come to MY side of town & shop for ME!
For those of you who may be new, and unfamiliar with Savvy Shopper read on!
If YOU have a grocery trip to share, please send it to me! I will feature one – three “Savvy Shoppers” every Saturday! Showcase YOUR skills in clippin’ coupons! ! Want me to feature YOUR shopping trip up here on Saturday morning? Then send to me via email by Saturday at 8 a.m. and look for your trip to be posted up here on Cents’Able Shoppin!
Thanks Lisa for the info on the Safeway coupon! I've been twice now to pick up some great deals on meat! I just hope they will keep on giving me the coupon books! :))) I am all stocked up on chicken and now beef thanks to Zaycon and Lisa! Woot Woot! I am doing the happy dance out here in Peoria!
Great job Lisa!!